University Analytics


University Analytics is a campus-based reporting and data science office, with specialists in higher education data and analytics.  UA analytics experts work with a wide variety of university and external data and model these datasets in a SAS data warehouse. From the SAS system, they develop custom datasets and models for a range of reporting, predictive analysis, grant, research, and consortial projects.


In accordance with data governance best practices, UA maintains a data warehouse modeled to the data definitions standards required by UTA, the State of Texas, Federal compliance, SACS accreditation as well as various college-level accrediting requirements.  UA analysts are campus experts in these many disparate data sources and modeled datasets in context.  We take great pride and maintain diligence in our stewardship of the universities data, as well as the accuracy of the data products we produce!


With data democratization as a core UA value, the SAS data warehouse is designed to support leaders and administrators across a campus. Whether you are a campus administrator, college administrator, a support-department coordinator, or a designee at any level of administration, UA has data products prepared and ready to inform your daily operational needs, compliance requirements, rankings, accreditation, and accountability.  Additionally, in accordance with our core value of exceptional service we are always at the ready to consult with the campus on unique or evolving data needs.


UA also administers the Civitas predictive system, supporting student success on campus using the latest machine learning techniques.


Each year, UA analysts and specialists take part in more than 100 major, ongoing initiatives campus- or State-wide, and log more than 2000 individual tickets related to reporting and data science needs of colleges, departments, and business units at UTA.


Who at UTA benefits daily from UA expertise and systems?  


Here are some scenarios that illustrate the work we do:


I’m a Campus Administrator…

  • I have need for a data point or data set to support my daily work or the work of my office
  • I want to verity that the statistics I am using in print or a public presentation are accurate and representative of UTA 
  • I need a complex analysis on topics of strategic importance to the university, such as gender equity or diversity. 
  • I’m writing a proposal for federal funding and need to include official enrollment and graduation data. 
  • I’m responding to a national review survey and need peer analysis based on student classification levels.

I’m a College Dean or Department Chair…

  • Who is studying enrollment trends and program success historically;
  • Who needs to understand which of my students are at risk of not persisting
  • Who needs to understand the root cause of challenges my department’s majors are facing.
  • Who needs to better understand the statistical impact and efficacy of a policy, program, or initiative for student success. 
  • Who needs to better understand national rankings outcomes and how I can improve my department or college in the rankings environment.
  • Who needs to verify whether UTA is HSI, PPOHA, AANAPISI or other Department of Education grant designation. 
  • Who needs a FERPA-complaint list of college alumni
  • Need to identify courses early in our students’ academic careers where a single letter-grade difference creates the greatest impact on graduation. 
  • Who needs to identify students whose performance in courses this semester are predictive of significantly higher or lower retention/graduation.

I’m a Faculty Member…

  • Writing a research grant proposal, and want to include UTA data on teaching and learning into the proposal.
  • Writing a research grant proposal which requires data aligning with Federal IPEDS or State THECB reporting.
  • Who needs to o quickly identify students in my classes with engagement trajectories that could signal a problem.

I’m and Academic Advisor

  • I need to quickly identify which students I advise are at risk of going on academic probation or dropping out.

I’m a UTA Staff leader…

  • On a hiring committee needing data to support the review and hiring process
  • Assisting in the purchase of software or services which are priced based on official enrollment or FTE
  • Who needs a data set or analysis to support any myriad of projects in my department around enrollment and retention, assisting the department chair.