Sick Leave Pool FAQ

Service Audience:
  • New Employee
  • Current Employee
  • Faculty

Employees can donate unused sick leave back into a pool for other employees to access should they need additional leave.

No. They can apply as soon as they think they may need an award of hours.

The employee must complete the application for Sick Leave Pool and have their doctor complete the section marked, "Licensed Practitioner Statement". SLP Application

Yes. All employees eligible to accrue sick leave may apply for Sick Leave Pool hours.

An eligible employee can be awarded up to 720 hours per catastrophic illness or injury.

An employee can donate hours to the pool anytime during the year or at termination or retirement. Contact the Office of Talent, Culture, and Engagement, Employee Leave Services for a contribution form and more information.

Donations can only be made to the general pool, not to a specific person.

Because the employee would remain in a paid status, their insurance would deduct from their paycheck like normal.

Yes, but the accrued leave is not available to be used until the employee returns to work.

Sick Leave Pool Policy - HR-LA-PO-02