Golf Course Art

Local golfers saw more than greens and fairways last summer as Lake Arlington Golf Course displayed 13 sculptures by UT Arlington students.

Plane Air was the brainchild of sculpture Assistant Professor Darryl Lauster, who approached course officials with the idea of putting an exhibit in an unexpected place. The works were created by students in Lauster’s 3-D Forms and Intermedia classes (intermedia works use less traditional materials). Some of the sculptures were site-specific and addressed the course landscape; others were abstract constructions designed to contrast with their environment.

Lauster says the classes found the venue itself inspirational. “In the studio environment, the students typically would be told to create a piece within a limited range of sizes. This project freed them from those kinds of boundaries.”

The exhibit’s name derives from the French plein air, which means painting or drawing outside, as in the open air. Students changed the phrase to plane air as a nod to the sculptor’s plane, a carving tool.

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