[UTA Magazine]




Expect Great Things

Great Alumni
With a decision-making style he describes as "rapid thoughtfulness," Gen. Tommy Franks ('71) oversees the vast U.S. war efforts in Afghanistan and the Middle East. But the hardcore military man has a softer side.

As undersecretary for economic affairs, Kathleen Cooper ('70, '71) communicates President Bush's economic message to the press, to Capitol Hill and to the business community.
Great Campus
Students filled two new on-campus apartments this summer, and that represents only the latest round of major changes on the UTA landscape. Coming soon: a continuing education complex, a fine arts facility and a science building.
Great Students
Strong academics and a desire to assist his fellow students helped Ricardo Lopez win UTA's Emerging Leader Award.

Great Staff
Assistant Dean Ed Morton's devotion to students has made UTA's pre-med program one of the best in Texas.

Great Programs
With a focus on student services, the Center for Distance Education ranks as one of the nation's trend-setters and has won several awards for its programs.

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates program is giving students nationwide an early start at developing practical applications of immediate interest to the commercial sector.
Great Faculty
Awards keep piling up for political science Assistant Professor Rebecca Deen, who calls teaching "a transference of energy."

Psychology Professor William Ickes is credited with revolutionizing the study of empathic accuracy—the everyday mind reading that people do when they look beyond the words and actions of others.
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