[UTA Magazine]


Regents reaffirm support for UTA

A resolution supporting the continued advancement of UTA as a research university was unanimously adopted in April by the U.T. System Board of Regents.

Community leaders in Arlington and Tarrant County had raised questions about the extent of support for UTA within the U.T. System.

Bills were introduced in both houses of the Legislature to move the University out of the U.T. System. But both bills were withdrawn following the regents’ approval of the resolution and of a second document in May that sets $100 million as a research goal for UTA. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst will review the collaboration between the University and the U.T. System every six months.

The resolution states that the regents and U.T. System “are firmly committed to working with the University and all of its constituencies in order to accelerate the growth and development of the University, both as a comprehensive institution providing access and excellence to students at all levels of higher education, and also as a major research university at the forefront of discovery and innovation across a broad range of fields.”

U.T. System Chancellor Mark Yudof said the agreements are intended to clear up any doubt about UTA’s status in the system and that he is committed to bolstering the University’s research efforts.

“The discussions and consultations between the U.T. System and the Arlington/Fort Worth communities have been highly productive and mutually beneficial,” Yudof said. “I want to thank all members of the Tarrant County delegation for their interest and support of higher education and U.T. Arlington.”

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