Find Service Learning Opportunities

How To Find a Volunteer Service Position

There is virtually no limit to the types of service learning and community service opportunities available. Almost any community service agency you can think of has opportunities for volunteers. Maybe you have a favorite charitable or non-profit organization where you would like to volunteer. Maybe you are interested in a one-time volunteer opportunity, an ongoing volunteer experience, or a service learning opportunity integrated into one of your academic courses.

Select a community service opportunity that will provide you with the best experience possible. For example, you may want to choose an agency that offers you community service work related to your academic major and/or your future career, and don’t be afraid to “shop around.” Be aware that agencies may have waiting lists for volunteers, lengthy screening requirements, or that it may take time to reach the correct person in an agency.

Click here for the CSL Service Opportunities page which contains service learning and volunteer opportunities. To become involved as a student through a campus departmental organization, check out UTA Volunteers in the Follet Student Leadership Center.

You may also search web sites that contain listings for individuals, groups, upcoming, and seasonal volunteer opportunities and needs.