Join the fun of Homecoming 2016
Homecoming Week continues with exciting events through Sunday, Nov. 13. Sign up for the events, participate in fun activities, and attend the parade, pep rally, and basketball games this weekend. See the schedule for details.
Friday night has the Step Show at Texas Hall followed by The Bash party at College Park Center.
Saturday starts with the Homecoming 5K. Later, get in the spirit at the Street Festival on Spaniolo Drive, the Homecoming Parade, and a pep rally before the big game. The Maverick men's basketball team takes on Texas Southern in College Park Center, with the Homecoming king and queen crowed at half-time. Sunday, the Lady Mavs play UTSA.
On Saturday, parking is free during the day for Homecoming events. Paid parking for the men's game starts at 6 p.m. for College Park parking garages.
Share you favorite Homecoming moments using #UTAHC16 on Twitter or Instagram. LEARN MORE.
Shuttle tracker mobile app shows estimated arrival time, buses on the move
See your MavMover bus on the move and an estimated arrival time with TransLoc, a new transportation app offered by UTA's Parking and Transportation Services. The more the system runs and collects data, the more accurate the predictive arrival times will become. See the buses in action at uta.transloc.com. Download the mobile app from Google Play and iTunes. LEARN MORE.
Lot 33E to close Friday for new construction
Lot 33E, north of the Maverick Activities Center, will close at 10 p.m. Friday, Nov. 11, for the construction of a 1,500-space parking garage. Vehicles in the lot after 10 p.m. will be towed. See the parking maps for other options. LEARN MORE.
Veterans Day events recognize students for their military service
UTA honors students, faculty, and staff for their military service on Veterans Day, Friday, Nov. 11. The day begins at 7 a.m. with a presentation of colors by the ROTC Corps of Cadets on the Library mall. The flag retreat ceremony is at 5 p.m. At 3 p.m., student veterans will be inducted into SALUTE, a National Honor Society for veterans. The event is in Room 204 of the CAPPA Building.
Start sorting items for electronics recycling Thursday
Recycle electronic devices from your department or home that are no longer needed 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, on the University Center mall by Woolf Hall. Items with a UTA sticker will not be accepted.
Help stock pop-up food pantry for students
The Follett Leadership Center will open a pop-up food pantry once a month to help students with regular food insecurity. The pantry will open in January. Individuals, departments, and organizations are encouraged to help stock the pantry. Donations of nonperishable canned and packaged foods will be accepted 1-4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14, in the Rio Grande Ballroom of the E.H. Hereford University Center and 1-4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, in the Red River Room of the University Center. Questions? Email Robert Kalina at rkalina@uta.edu.
Campus carry education part of PR class project
Public relations students are raising knowledge about UTA's campus carry policy. Read the news release and take the survey.
Have Thanksgiving dinner with President Karbhari
Students, faculty, and staff are invited to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner with President Vistasp Karbhari 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 22, in the Connection Cafe. The dinner is free with a meal plan. Tickets are required without a meal plan and are $5 for students and $8 for faculty and staff members. For tickets and details, go to uta.edu/thanksgivingdinner. To volunteer, call 817-272-6080.
Power outage Friday morning in Fine Arts Building
Prepare for a brief electrical outage for the Fine Arts Building 6-7 a.m. Friday, Nov. 11. No one will be allowed in the building without an escort from Facilities Management or the UTA Police Department. Turn off all electronic equipment, including computers, scanners, and copiers, before leaving Thursday. Devices do not need to be unplugged.
Campus tour guides, parking escorts needed
The Office of University Recruitment is hiring students to work as MavElite tour guides at the Dan Dipert University Welcome Center (SNAP Job ID #9335). The application deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 9.
Parking and Transportation Services is looking for ambassadors (SNAP Job ID #9348) to serve at events and as courtesy escorts.
Important Dates
Wednesday, Nov. 9—Priority registration opens for winter intersession and the spring term. Advising is open; check your MyMav Student Center to see if you need to meet with your academic adviser before registering. The schedule of classes is being updated daily.
Thursday-Friday, Nov. 24-25—University closed for Thanksgiving holiday.
Saturday-Friday, Dec. 10–16—Fall semester final exams.
Coming Up
Homecoming Chili Cook-Off, Wednesday, Nov. 9
LinkedIn Workshop, Wednesday, Nov. 9
MavSwap, Thursday, Nov. 10
Maverick Mum Mania, Thursday, Nov. 10
Lyric Trio Recital, Thursday, Nov. 10
Stand with Standing Rock Panel Discussion, Monday, Nov. 14
Sun Belt Conference Volleyball Championship, Friday-Sunday, Nov. 18-20
Thanksgiving Holidays, Thursday-Friday, Nov. 24-25
Road Trip: Men’s Basketball vs. UT Austin, Tuesday, Nov. 29
A for King & Country Christmas Tour, Saturday, Dec. 10
See more on the UTA events calendar.
TrailBlazer, UTA’s e-newsletter for students, is published by University Communications on Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters and every other Tuesday during summer terms, except for holidays.
Submit items for publication to trailblazer@uta.edu.
TrailBlazer welcomes subscriptions from non-students of UTA as well.
The University of Texas at Arlington does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, genetic information, and/or veteran status in its educational programs or activities it operates. For more information, visit uta.edu/eos. For information regarding Title IX, visit uta.edu/titleix.