Dissertation Completion Resources

Welcome to our site focused on resources to help you complete your dissertation!

Dissertation Resources

  • Graduation Deadlines
    • Are you defending your dissertation this semester? Make sure you look at the deadlines to apply for graduation, the last day to hold a dissertation defense, and when your dissertation needs to be submitted so you don't miss any of these important dates. Put them in your calendar to always have them available. 
  • Multiple Author Release Form
    • This form may be used to document that you have obtained the consent of your co-author(s) to use co-authored work in your article-based thesis/dissertation.
  • Thesis and Dissertation Step-by-Step Submission Guide
    • In order to fulfill university requirements, your dissertation needs to be submitted to the library for archiving. This link takes you to the library website, which has a step-by-step guide that describes the submission process. 

Thesis/Dissertation Manual

For questions or help about thesis/dissertation formatting and electronic submission, email thesisdissertation@UTA.edu.

Click here to access the UTA Library website for more information.