UTA In The News — Friday, August 5, 2022
Building the biotech workforce
UT Arlington has partnered with Dallas College on an $8.8 million grant to prepare students who are traditionally underserved for work in the biotech industry, The Dallas Morning News, KRLD and Fox 4 reported. With the grant, Dallas College, Tarrant County College, Collin College and UT Arlington will create a career model in three areas: biotechnology, biomanufacturing and bioinformatics.
Concrete 3D-printed homes
Treyvon Perry, architecture student in UT Arlington’s College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs, is building North Texas’ first concrete 3D-printed home, Dallas Innovates reported. Until now, homes built with concrete 3D printing have required highly engineered concrete that can cost as much as four times the price of the regular kind. But Perry plans to build what he says will be the first such home in the U.S. using something you walk on every day—regular, locally sourced concrete.
Automated vehicles for the underserved
A UT Arlington civil engineering professor is developing a framework for evaluating the use of automated vehicles and how they relate to underserved populations across a five-state area, Mirage News reported. Stephen Mattingly is using a $106,000 Tran-SET grant out of the University Transportation Center at Louisiana State University to build this framework.
Discovery of miniature frogs
Eric Smith, UTA associate professor of biology, and a team of researchers recently discovered six new species of miniature frog in the mountains of Mexico, BBC reported. At just 15 mm long when fully grown, all six species are smaller than a penny.