Upward Bound Math & Science Center

Our mission is to inspire, prepare and support students with special interests and talents in mathematics or science for admission into post-secondary education and potential careers in the fields of mathematics, science, and/or engineering.

Inspire, Prepare and Support Students

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Upward Bound Math & Science students pose for a picture at the Big Event.

UBMS Programs

The University of Texas at Arlington has been awarded a grant from the United States Department of Education to conduct an Upward Bound Math & Science Program. The UT Arlington Upward Bound Math & Science Center (UBMS) provides to the eligible students the assistance necessary to strengthen their math and science education and assist them in demonstrating competencies in the subject areas required for graduation and success in STEM. The objectives of the program are designed to meet the specific needs of each participant. Assistance to the students is provided through the continual academic year activities and the academically intensive six week summer residential component on the UT Arlington campus.

Students located in various locations of Texas will have access to the Local, Dallas, or State programs with similar eligibility criteria.

Preparing for College

We provide resources to help your family navigate the many options for higher education and career training that are available.

Family gathers at UTA Parents and Family Weekend.

Parent & Guardian Information

The UTA Upward Bound Math & Science Center realize that parental and guardian support is essential in making the program successful for their student to achieve their goals of completing a post-secondary degree in math & science. Their participation in the program will enable support for their child in realizing their potential.

Upward Bound Math & Science Resources

Interested in the program? Need to update your participation? We got you covered!

Request Information

This form is for students interested in joining the Upward Bound Math & Science Center (UBMS) - Dallas, Local and State programs in grades 9th, 10th, and 11th. Those who are rising 9th (8th grade) can complete the form to be considered first at the beginning of the next school year. UBMS is a FREE federally funded college-prep program focusing on students interested in the STEM field.

Complete Request Information Form

Absence Form

Already a part of the Upward Bound Math & Science and need to inform of absence at activities? Click below and complete the required information and submit to the program. Note: If you are attending a program activity and need an absence form for school, email ubms@uta.edu

Absence Form