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Academic Recruiters

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Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

Meet with a recruiter and explore bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree options, as well as certificates or certification specialties at the UTA College of Education.


On-Campus Programs

On-campus programs offer courses that students complete in a traditional semester pace, typically anywhere from 14-16 weeks. These programs may offer classes exclusively in face-to-face/in-person formats or with a hybrid mix on in-person and online courses.  



Online Programs 

Fast track your career and complete your degree or certification program sooner with one of our 100% Accelerated Online Programs. Accelerated online programs offer courses that students can complete at an accelerated pace, typically anywhere from 5-8 weeks.


Headshot of University of Texas at Arlington employee Koltyn Davis. The background shows a UTA campus sign.

Koltyn Davis, Academic Recruiter



Headshot of University of Texas at Arlington employee Ashley Villegas. The background shows a UTA campus sign.

Ashley Villegas, Academic Recruiter