The College of Engineering Student Stories

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UTA industrial engineering student Zoe Rodriguez

Meet Zoe

I grew up around the corner from campus, and when it came time for me to choose a college the pandemic was in full swing. The option of hybrid courses and the affordability ultimately led to my decision to attend UTA. I was fortunate to receive the UTA Presidential Honors Scholarship. UTA is very generous and makes it convenient and affordable to receive a quality education.

I chose engineering as my field of study because I find satisfaction in problem-solving, improvement methods, and design. I believe everyone has the capability of becoming an engineer. Every field of engineering appeals to aspects of one's personality and interests. I chose my current major with the guidance of accomplished engineers. I started off in the Computer Science and Engineering Department and quickly discovered that coding did not appeal to me. I got to know my professors personally, and their suggestion of taking an Industrial Engineering class inspired me to continue on the path toward a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering.

I am involved in the Honors College. In the future, I hope to get more involved with professional engineering societies, such as IISE and SHPE. In the past, I have been involved with Freshman Leaders on Campus and held an executive board position.

My goal is to work in a hands-on environment with companies and people who are contributing to the betterment of society. I am a firm believer in giving back to the community. I hope that with my degree I can fulfill a role in society in which I make a change, provide for those who have provided for me while simultaneously providing for future generations.