Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Coordinator
Phone: 817-272-5961
Email: accessibility@uta.edu
Assistive Technology Best Practices
Technologies for making applications accessibility friendly.
With better internet connectivity and more access to computers and smart phones, access to web applications has become a necessity for everyone. The applications that are developed are no longer limited to a particular audience. There has been a considerable increase in internet users who are disabled in terms of vision, speech, hearing and mobility over the past decade. Newer and better technologies categorized as “assistive technologies” have made it easier for people with disabilities to access web applications. It is very important for every developer to ensure their web pages and web applications are accessible. The list below gives a brief understanding of different assistive technologies that are available in the market today. It is crucial that developers understand how these technologies work and ensure that applications being developed are compatible with assistive technology. As our society moves to more and more online activities, for both home and work life, it is essential that all web applications are accessible.
As a web application developer, it is very important to become familiar with assistive technologies and develop applications that are accessible. Meeting the WCAG guidelines will ensure that your applications are accessible.
Prominent assistive technologies in the current industry: