Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies

Develop your place in today's global community!

Our Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (GWSS) Program fosters the examination of women, gender, and sexuality through an interdisciplinary lens. GWSS classes explore social norms and the ways in which race, class, nationality, and history shape gender identity. The GWSS Program at UTA offers an academic minor that allows students to pursue a study of women, gender, and sexuality issues alongside their major courses. The GWSS Program also offers a graduate certificate for students currently enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program at UT Arlington.



The Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Program provides UTA undergraduate and graduate students a flexible and coherent education around the history, significance and social perceptions of gender and sexuality.  Our mission is to promote discourse around gender and sexuality within the UTA community, explore social norms and history of gender and sexual identity, and deepen the understanding of complex and critical issues regarding women, gender, and sexuality.  The program works to support scholarly research related to gender by our students and faculty by building interdisciplinary collaborations among the campus community; integrating feminist and related fields of scholarship and activism to bridge divides; creating new knowledge about women, gender, race, class, sexuality, religion and disability; challenging distributions of power; and improving the lives of all individuals and communities.

Rise to Your Potential.  Be a Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies Minor.

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