UTA Legislative Update
Friday, September 23, 2022


Class is in session. The fall semester has begun, and election season is coming to a close.

Candidates across the state are running out of time to reach constituents prior to the Nov. 8 election. Early voting is set to begin Monday, Oct. 24. Typically, the months leading up to the start of the legislative session in January are filled with committee hearings. However, many statewide elected officials are experiencing more contentious races this year. Therefore, legislative homework has been put on hold until after the election. We plan to see a busy calendar once the polls close so committee chairs can wrap up their interim reports.

The week of Sept. 26, President Jennifer Cowley will publicly present the University’s legislative appropriations request to the legislative budget board staff, along with other UT System institution presidents. The hearings will be broadcast live.

The Legislature has taken an interest in two areas experiencing a workforce shortage: public school teachers and nurses. Earlier this month, the House committees on public and higher education met to jointly discuss the Texas teacher shortage. It is believed that this hearing signals the House's plans to lead the charge on this issue going into the next legislative session. Both chambers also recently met to discuss the ongoing nursing shortage and how to address obstacles to nursing education, including limited clinical space and nursing faculty shortages.

As we enter the final stages of the 2022 election season, we urge you to reach out to Government Relations or the Office of Legal Affairs regarding any questions you may have about how to handle any request from an elected official or a candidate for elected office.

Thank you for your dedication to UTA and Go Mavs!

— UTA Government Relations

Texas Tribune Festival

What to Watch

The 12th annual Texas Tribune Festival—the Trib’s signature annual ideas conference featuring big names from politics, policy, and the media—can be seen online or live in Austin.

Vote! Are you registered?

Are you registered?

The deadline to register to vote is Tuesday, Oct. 11. The last day to apply to vote by mail is Friday, Oct. 28. Early voting runs Oct. 24-Nov. 4. Read Texas Tribune's voter guide.

Row of books with each having a book marker that says "Banned Book"

First Amendment rights

House and Senate Democrats prepare resolutions to oppose local book bans.

Student loan bill with "Past Due" stamped in red.

Make Universities Pay Act

Proposal seeks to kick school loan defaults back to alma mater.

New Podcast: The Key with Inside Higher Ed

Inside Higher Ed podcast

How do federal and state policies judge college value?

Arrow pointing from one university building to another, indicating transfer of credits.

Transparency for Transfer Students Act

The goal is to prevent loss of college credit already earned.

Upcoming hearings

The Texas Senate and the Texas House of Representatives archived sessions are available now.

Senate Hearings

House Hearings

Appointed positions

The Office of the Governor is always looking for people to apply to various boards, including higher education. If you need assistance in applying, please contact Jeff Jeter at jeter@uta.edu. See a full list of available positions.

Your input helps UTA

The University needs the support of its faculty, staff, and alumni to ensure we continue to receive resources to serve our students, conduct research, and expand our programs. For more information on how you can support the University and its legislative goals, contact:

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