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From the President

Maverick Spirit: United, Stronger Than Ever

Teik Lim

Since we last published UTA Magazine, much has changed in the world. You’ve probably heard the words “unprecedented” and “uncertain” many times. But as I reflect on the last several months for UTA, I feel gratitude for the present and hope and optimism for the future. At every turn, I’ve seen spirit, determination, and achievement in our vast network of Mavericks—those students, faculty, staff, and alumni who work hard to keep our community resilient and strong.

Over the spring semester, I saw firsthand how quickly our faculty and staff adapted to the abrupt closure of our campus and the move to online learning and remote operations. I saw how our students responded to that change—with the fortitude that has come to define our student body. And I had the privilege to witness how our alumni came together to support our students in any way they could. As the saying goes, good times build prosperity, but challenging times, like these, build character that lasts a lifetime.

In the pages of this issue, you’ll get a closer look at many of those stories, from a professor who transformed her hands-on courses to enhance learning when we moved to distance learning to the overwhelming support we’ve received for our Emergency Assistance Fund—a lifeline established to support students in times of crisis—to the Maverick heroes who have stepped up to provide health care to communities in need. You’ll also read stories that reflect how Maverick achievement is at an all-time high, even as the world keeps changing around us.

While these times certainly are unprecedented, I can say with confidence that I have never been more certain about the strength of our Maverick community. Our spirit, our drive, and our commitment to transforming the lives of others have served us well, and they will take us to even greater heights in the future. I am honored to lead and serve the University during this unique time and am more than ever proud to be part of the Maverick family.

Go Mavs!

—Teik C. Lim, Ph.D.
President ad interim

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