UTA Magazine
Crash Course
EDUC 1131: College Adjustment

Also taught as NURS 1123, COLA 1100 and HONR 1100 for special populations of those schools and colleges. Offered various days and times in various locations.

Course administrator: Janette Keen, counseling specialist, Student Success Programs

Catalog description: Student counselors, under the supervision of Counseling Services, in group discussion will communicate academic survival information, analyze potential academic and social problems, and assist in implementing individualized corrective measures. Special section for Maverick Scholars, students on probation and student athletes will require permission to register. Elective only; does not count as a part of the professional certification requirements. Prerequisite: entering freshman or entering transfer student.

About the instructors: “We start recruiting peer instructors in October, a year prior to them actually teaching,” explained Keen, who oversees the course. “They take a course in the spring semester where we teach them how to teach in addition to teaching them the topics they’ll cover when they are instructors. We have seven required topics, and the peer instructors come up with several topics on their own that they feel students need to know about.”

Requirements: There is no required reading; students receive a packet with necessary information. Students in freshman interest groups and in the Maverick Scholars Program are required to take the course.

Course format: The required topics are goal setting, time management, note taking, reading skills, test taking, money management and healthy lifestyles. The one-hour credit course is offered on a pass-fail basis. Generally, peer counselors lead group discussions. At times, students go on scavenger hunts to learn where to find things around campus. Some guest speakers are included.

What the students learn: Keen says the goal is for the students to leave their first semester not only academically successful but with the resources to determine what interests them outside the classroom. “We want to make sure they have all of those connections that are going to make them want to stay,” she said. “What we have found from the Maverick Scholars sections of College Adjustment is that students are not only likely to stay from fall to fall, but they are more likely to graduate earlier. Sometimes they may not realize that they need this information until a semester or two later. They often come back and say, ‘Hey, I’m really glad I had that information.’ ”

Pop quiz
True or false
1. When marking in a textbook, highlight or mark as you read.
2. Learning involves getting information into short-term memory.
3. Your academic adviser only helps you pick your classes prior to registration.


1. False. You should read the page and then highlight the main points.
2. False. Your goal is to get the material into long term memory.
3. False. You can count on your adviser to help with other issues.

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