Future SPED Teachers gather to be inspired

The annual CEC Convention captivates and inspires future College of Education SPED Teachers.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Students taking a pictureEvery year during the spring thousands of special education teachers gather to attend the Council for Exceptional Children Convention & Expo. This event is a professional development affair for special education professionals across the educational system. There they will learn about new research and methods to apply in their classrooms back home.

Recently Desiree Smith, an EC- 12 SPED Junior from the UTA College of Education attended the conference. Blow, Smith expresses what she has learned and what has excited her about our Project READY website program.

• What did you learn from the conference?
From the conference, I learned that there are many different components to becoming a Special education teacher. In the sessions I attended, I was able to gain tons of knowledge in specific areas I was interested in. I also learned that there is a huge gap in diversity in the special education field. Honestly, looking around the conference it was interesting to notice that a vast majority of faces did not look like me or just people of color in general. I think it’s important that this field is diverse with people from many different backgrounds. It is part of the reason why I think programs like Project READY/MMS are crucial.

• What was your favorite part?
My favorite part of the conference was truly being surrounded by like-minded individuals who were there for similar reasons as me, which is to provide children with disabilities the best education they deserve. Another favorite part of mine was choosing what sessions to attend. There were so many wonderful topics covered and aided in my journey. It was always so fun to choose a session and end up leaving the room so insightful of the knowledge that was given. Another favorite part was the expo hall, particularly the tech playground. It consisted of many assistive technologies that will be beneficial to students. In this area, we were able to examine and use the items that were displayed. A lot of the tech there were things that I am currently learning in my assistive technology course this semester. Speaking on the topic, many of the sessions corresponded with my special education courses I'm currently taking this semester. It was awesome making those connections to the content I’m currently learning in my classes.

• How has this conference inspired you?Two students taking a picture
This conference has inspired me to constantly seek and learn more information. There is always something new or something I can improve on in this field. This conference has shown me that many professors have been in this field for 20+ years and are still insisting on finding new research for the best evidence-based practices to apply in the classroom.

• Why do you want to be a SPED teacher?
For me I believe that teaching is one of life's most rewarding careers. Teachers are tasked with guiding children’s learning along with molding and shaping their future. I knew for certain this was a responsibility that I desired to take. One of my greatest desires is to help children reach their full potential. Becoming a Special Education teacher felt like a calling, a path that I needed to take. I want to make a positive impact on the students and in the field.

• Why did you pick UTA?
It was affordable, very inclusive, and had the program of study I was looking for!

• What do you like about Project READY/MMS program?
I like how Project READY truly feels like an aid to my special education journey. The mentoring/apprenticeship and assigned book reading are aspects I enjoy. As I mentioned before, there is a gap of diversity in this field of special education, and I like that this program is also made to tackle that issue.

• How has the Project READY/MMS program prepared you for teaching?
So far Project READY has prepared me for teaching by giving in-depth training of leadership and how I can apply that as a teacher. By also preparing me to conduct proper research, so as a teacher, I know how to find and choose the best implementation of evidence-based practices for my future students.

• When did you start Project READY/MMS?
I started Project READY this semester, Spring 2024!

• What is your plan with being a SPED Teacher?
Currently, now it’s not official, but I am finding interest in working in an elementary SEAS (Social and Emotional Academic Support) classroom!