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Coastal collaboration

Tracking climate change

Assistant professor Michelle Hummel

Assistant professor Michelle Hummel

Civil engineering Assistant Professor Michelle Hummel is helping residents of Ingleside on the Bay, Texas, monitor the effects of climate change on their coastal town.

Ingleside on the Bay has seen environmental impacts on its exposed shoreline due to rising tides and increased air and water pollution from recent growth in the oil industry.

Dr. Hummel and her team are working with the community to develop a low-cost sensor network that will monitor air and water quality and flooding potential, then transfer the data to an online dashboard.

“By working directly with local residents to co-design our research approach, we can better address the complex challenges facing the town and work toward more sustainable, community-driven solutions,” Hummel says.

Co-principal investigators from UTA are Associate Professor Yonghe Liu, Associate Professor of Planning Karabi Bezboruah, and Assistant Professor Oswald Jenewein.

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