UTA Magazine
For 20 years, the MSMR program has produced highly coveted graduates ready to succeed
Joe Barajas
What campus visitors are saying
EMBA program is largest of any foreign university in China
Magazine honored for excellence
Summary of noteworthy campus happenings
Plans unveiled to strengthen partnerships with UT Dallas
Cadet lands coveted spot in West Point instruction program
Physics 1445, 1446: Introductory Astronomy I and II
Highly cited scientist accepts Welch Chair in Chemistry
Ridgway among 16 in Heifer’s first North America program study tour to Navajo nations
Bioengineering receives $2.5 million for imaging
Scholarships endowed for Gardner, Darovich
Alumnus Chris Gomez


Other Stories

Plans unveiled to strengthen partnerships with UT Dallas

New magazine highlights research with far-reaching impact

Historic Roundhouse has served as a slaughterhouse, office building, art facility and planetarium

More than 200 students displaced by Hurricane Katrina found a temporary home at UT Arlington

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502 S. Cooper St.
279 Fine Arts Building
Box 19647
Arlington, TX 76019-0647
