
The GSL program is designed to build community and connections between MSW students and strengthen the bond that students have with the School of Social Work by facilitating the exchange of accurate and timely information.  Each MSW student in the program is assigned to a GSL, a fellow student who has received extensive training on leadership, communication, and information on the School and MSW program.


What do GSLs do? 

GSLs serve as advocates and communication facilitators for MSW students, fielding questions about all of aspects of the graduate experience, including advising, field, registration, orientation, scholarships, deadlines, program policies, and more. They can track down accurate answers to questions quickly by reaching out directly to program administrators and connecting students to services and resources. Students who reach out to their GSL with a question most often receive resolution to their presenting issue within minutes or hours of posing a question.


How do I contact my GSL? 

Your GSL can be reached anytime via email or on MS Teams. Your GSL will be reaching out to you at least once every two weeks to check in via email or Teams conference. If you are unsure of who your GSL is or have not received a response to your inquiry within 24 hours, please email MSW, Graduate Student Intern Leads Makita Johnson (mxj1622@mavs.uta.edu), Skarlar Shelton (skarlar.egans@mavs.uta.edu), or Andrea Moreno (axm7516@mavs.uta.edu).


Mia Cozzarelli

Mia Cozzarelli (Intern)

Hello everyone, I recently graduated from my bachelor's in psychology at Texas State University (in the beautiful hill country). This will be my first semester as a Graduate Student Leader which I am very excited about. I'm hoping to learn new skills throughout this internship that way I can integrate them whenever I go into the work field. My career aspirations is to become a school social worker/college therapist, which eventually I can open up my own private practice and provide counseling for young adults. Currently I work at Hays-Caldwell Women's Center as a part-time shelter advocate. During my free time I like to go on hikes, stay at home with my dog and cat (Comet & Leo), go out with friends, travel, and go to car events with my significant other. Overall, I'm very excited to work with everyone and help each other out through our academic journey!
Farah Hannun

Farah Hannun (Intern)

Hello everyone, my name is Farah Hannun and I am currently in my first semester as a GSL intern, and I am in my second semester as a MSW student!

I received my bachelor's degree in psychology with a minor in Womens and Gender Studies, here at UTA. I am looking forward to completing my degree and working with women and children as a social worker! In my free time I enjoy spending time with family and friends.  I am excited to start this new semester as a GSL intern and to be here to help and connect with everyone.
Monique Lawson

Monique Lawson (Intern)

My name is Monique Lawson, and I am serving as a UTA GSL Intern. I am an MSW student here at the University of Texas at Arlington directing my specialty area on Mental Health and Drug Misuse. After graduating I will continue furthering my education in the same field area. My goal is to serve my community as an advocate for families and individuals in a private therapeutic setting. I hold two bachelor's degrees, one in Psychology and one in Social Science, both from the University of Texas at Tyler. As a hobby I am also presently working towards obtaining a certificate in Integrative Nutritional Health because I am passionate about holistic health and lifestyle. As your graduate student leader, I want to be your student peer and guide. My goal is to connect you to the right resources so that you can continue your educational journey with confidence. Striving for the betterment of our communities. We are all in this together!
Heather Rhodes

Heather Rhodes (Intern)

Hi Y’all! I am a GSL Intern in my foundation year of a Master’s of Social Work. I am a returning student after a career in real estate. I am currently a Mediator and Counselor (specializing in mental health and addiction). My direct practice in the MSW program is Children and Families and a certificate in Community & Administrative Policy (CAP). I am a native Texan! I have three kids Grace (23), Miranda (16), Colten (12) and a Bernese Mountain Dog named Huckleberry.
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Nichola Rowan (Intern)

Hi all! I am a GSL intern in my foundation year of a Master’s in Social Work.

I earned my Bachelor of Psychology in May 2023 from the University of North Texas, after serving in the US Air Force. Now, as an MSW student specializing in Community and Administrative Practice (CAP), I plan to focus on developing and working within areas of equal opportunity and leadership to add value and strengthen the lives of individuals, couples, families, and communities.

I am originally from the United Kingdom and now call Dallas home. But I still have my daily cup of tea and am an avid Harry Potter fan!
Angie Ruvalcaba

Angie Ruvalcaba (Intern)

Hello everyone! I am in my foundation year of the Master’s of Social Work program and the first semester as a Graduate Student Leader. I received my Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Psychology and Chicanx Studies at the University of California, Davis, in 2018. I currently reside in San Jose, CA, with my husband, two children, and my dog. As a Graduate Student Leader, my goal is to support others in facilitating and enhancing their experience in the Master’s of Social Work program.
Dunya Benghozi

Dunya Benghozi

Hi Mavs! My name is Dunya Benghozi (she/her) and I am towards the end of my MSW program. This will be my second semester serving as a Graduate Student Leader Volunteer. I received my undergrad in Kinesiology here at UTA and decided to take the social work route after some soul-searching. I am currently in my advanced year with a concentration in Mental Health and Substance Use with my ultimate goal of becoming an LCSW.

Fun fact about me is that I'm bilingual (Arabic), first generation daughter of immigrants, love tennis, working out (but also being lazy), traveling, all things self-care, cooking and dogs. It will be a busy year for us all, but I hope to gain more knowledge and offer my constituents the support and answers needed. I look forward to continuing this volunteer experience and want to assist other students in any way possible. Have a wonderful semester!

"A failure is not always a mistake; it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying."

Andwelah Givens

Andwelah Givens

Hello, I am Andwelah, and I am excited to be your Graduate Student Leader this semester!
A little bit about me is that I love to read, exercise, watch anime, go for runs, and learn new things. My favorite book is Atomic Habits by James Clear and highly recommend it to everyone.

I am super excited to start out this semester strong and steadfast!
Michelle Gonzalez

Michelle Gonzalez

Hello everyone, my name is Michelle Gonzalez. I am a first- generation student, I graduated with my BS in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology in December of 2021 from UNT Dallas. I am currently on my second year of the MSW program my concentration is Mental Health and Substance Misuse. I work full time as a Immigration Paralegal, here in the DFW area. I am really excited to be able to advocate in the future as a LCSW for the Hispanic/ Latino community. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, and reading when breaks are in session. I am excited as a second semester GSL volunteer to be able to assists my peers in sharing resources and information to help them grow!

Sandra Miller

Sandra (Sandy) Miller

Howdy, all! My name is Sandra (Sandy) Miller, and I am in my Advanced year (or years in my case) at UTA. This is my eighth semester as a GSL. I received my undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State in 1994 and worked for many years as an adult probation officer before becoming a stay- at-home mom to my two awesome, smelly boys, now 13 and 18. My goal is to graduate when my oldest son finishes high school and enter direct practice in Mental Health and Substance Abuse, specializing in life changes, trauma-informed care, and religious trauma. In my spare time, I love camping, fishing, reading, and experimenting with new recipes for my brave friends and family. I also play a number of musical instruments very badly, much to the delight of my long-suffering family and neighbors. I love helping people find answers to their questions, and I have asked many questions myself since returning to school. Remember we are ALL in this together with the common goal of helping others. Let’s DO this!
Katherine Morrison

Katherine Morrison

Hello everyone! My name is Katherine and I use she/her pronouns. I was born in Houston but raised in the DFW area. I have a B.S. in Rehabilitation Studies and I am currently pursuing a Master's in Social Work. This is my first semester as a GSL, and I currently work part-time as a nanny for two awesome kids. I look forward to working, getting to know and helping my fellow peers! Have a great semester!

“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” -Taylor Swift

Angie Outlaw

Angie Outlaw

Hello everyone! I am Angie and I am a Graduate Student Leader for Spring 2024. I am in my advanced year and my specialty is Mental Health and Substance Misuse.

I live in the San Antonio with my husband and my father. After my husband retired from the Army, we decided to make this area our home. We recently purchased a property in the country, and I am excited to live the “farm life”.

My undergraduate degrees are in Graphic Design & Media Arts and Human Science. I went back to school in 2020 and I had just graduated with my degree in Graphic Design when I decided that I needed to finish the degree I started. I enrolled in the summer of 2022, and I graduated from Texas Tech University in December 2022. I look forward to helping my constituents this semester.

Contact Us

Regina Praetorius, PhD, LMSW-AP
Director of Graduate Programs