People and Culture Survey

The Initiative

The object of the UTA People and Culture Survey is to provide UTA employees with an opportunity to share their valuable insights and perspectives on workplace engagement, and UTA culture. By actively involving all employees, we aim to gather comprehensive feedback to gain a deeper understanding of the current state of UTA.

Yes, that's right, we’d like to hear from every UTA employee. It is that important. Your survey responses will be used shape UTA’s future.

mavs thrive together logo

Current Stage: Post Survey

Find out what steps you can take to ensure engagement for your team and yourself.


Survey Design

Jun. 27 - Aug. 1, 2023

Survey Setup

Aug. 4 - Sept. 20, 2023

Data Collection

Sept. 25 - Oct. 11, 2023

Data Analysis and Reporting

Oct. 11 - Oct. 31, 2023

Executive Deliverables (Action Planning)

Nov. 1 - March 2024