Marian Abowd


Marian Abowd portraitRole:

Resident, Ben Hogan Sport Medicine, Fort Worth, Texas

Job Duties include:

"As a resident, I have many roles and responsibilities. I am heavily involved in the Lower Extremity Assessment and Performance lab, where we assess movement patterns, neuromuscular control and strength in both the healthy and injured population. Three times a week I help treat patients with different physical therapists at Ben Hogan. At TCU I assist with athlete's rehabilitation, covering different practices and games throughout the week. The residents also work with the School for Classical and Contemporary Dance at TCU. Two days a week, I help teach in the TCU Athletic Training Program."

In her own words:

"The skills I learned in the classroom and the incredible clinical experiences I had set me up to be very successful as a resident. The UTA ATP faculty members help set you apart by constantly pushing to better the program and profession. The combination of the location of UTA and the faculty have opened so many doors and allowed unique opportunities that have allowed me to become very successful as an athletic trainer."