TrailBlazer 2015 Archive » TrailBlazer — Tuesday, November 17, 2015 |
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![]() Homecoming week wraps up with fun, friends, festivitiesMaverick pride filled the streets of the College Park District on Saturday as thousands of alumni, students, faculty, staff, and community members soaked up the fun and festivities of Homecoming 2015. Saturday's activities began with the 5K Walk/Run and the Homecoming Golf Tournament. An afternoon street party preceded the Homecoming parade that included floats and UTA's traditional golf cart entries representing numerous campus groups. After the parade passed by on Spaniolo Drive, the crowd joined the pep rally to cheer on the Maverick men's basketball team Mahesh Biyyala, computer science and engineering graduate student, and Harjot Singh, psychology senior, were crowned Homecoming king and queen in front of fans at halftime of the men's basketball game. The Mavericks won 77-72 against Fordham on Petsche Court in College Park Center. Homecoming featured a road trip for fans Friday when the women's basketball team headed south to play Baylor in the Women's National Invitational Tournament. A party and pep rally preceded the bus trip to Waco. The Lady Mavs fell to the Bears. The week also included the Distinguished Alumni Awards, The Bash dance party, the chili cook-off, the step show, and alumni gatherings. See more photos and watch the video from Homecoming 2015. ![]() ![]() UTA tops in Texas, No. 16 in the U.S. among 2016 ‘Best for Vets’The University of Texas at Arlington is the best four-year college in Texas for military veterans and one of the top 20 schools in the nation for servicemen and servicewomen who are working to earn a college degree, according to Military Times. The news organization’s Best for Vets: Colleges 2016 rankings placed the University No. 16 of 125 four-year schools that offer bachelor’s, graduate degrees or both. That’s up 20 spots from last year’s No. 36 ranking. Military Times comprises Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times, and Marine Corps Times. The magazine’s sixth annual Best for Vets survey focused on veterans’ academic success rates, including graduation, retention, persistence and completion rates. The ranking also placed emphasis on services, special rules, accommodations, and financial incentives offered to military and veteran students and their families. UTA serves more than 3,000 student veterans or dependents of military veterans among its more than 51,000 students. Read more about the Best for Vets rankings. Watch the video about the first graduates of UTA's Veterans’ Bachelor's of Science in Nursing program, one of the first in the country. ![]() ![]()
Personal stories and charitable giving topic of Focus on FacultyTraci Freling, associate professor of marketing, and Devin Lunt, marketing Ph.D. candidate, will discuss influences on charitable donations at the Focus on Faculty lecture at noon Wednesday, Nov. 18, on the sixth floor of Central Library. The tendency for people to offer greater aid to a specific, identifiable person who is suffering rather than to a large, abstract group with the same need is called the “identifiable victim effect” (IVE). Dr. Freling and Lunt will explain how the IVE affects potential donors’ inclination to help those in need. According to their research, the IVE influences giving when the victim is vividly depicted, blameless in the situation, and different from the potential donor. Specific differences such as class, race, age, and other factors can greatly affect donor generosity. Focus on Faculty is free and open to the public. A reception follows the lecture. ![]() ![]()
Cheer volleyball team at send-off Wednesday for Sun Belt Conference tournamentBe there to send the fourth-seeded Maverick volleyball team to the Sun Belt Conference Championships at 12:45 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 18, at the UTA Police station on Davis Drive near Greek Row Drive. The Mavs play No. 5 seed and defending tournament champion Arkansas-Little Rock at 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20, in Statesboro, Ga.. With a win the Mavs would advance to the tournament semifinals to face either No. 1 Arkansas State or No. 8 Georgia Southern. The team picked up its third consecutive sweep and closed out the regular season Sunday afternoon, sweeping past South Alabama 3-0 at College Park Center. The Mavericks are 19-9 overall and 10-6 in SBC. ![]() Holiday events feature family-focused funUTA prepares for the winter holiday season with two traditional gatherings. Deck the Mall welcomes the holiday season with music, hot chocolate, and lighting up the library mall starting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17. EXCEL Campus Activities hosts this traditional start of the holiday season. Holiday Extravaganza is a family-oriented holiday celebration 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 21, in the Palo Duro Lounge of the E.H. Hereford University Center, courtesy of Freshmen Leaders on Campus. The free event includes arts and crafts representing a variety of winter holidays, hot chocolate, cookie decorating, and chance to meet Santa Claus. UTA is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday Thursday-Friday, Nov. 26-27, and for the winter break Thursday, Dec. 24-Friday. Jan. 1, 2016. ![]()
Adopt from Angel Tree in Leadership CenterMake a child's holiday wish come true this season through the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Choose an infant to young teen to sponsor by yourself, with friends, or with your department. Adopt an angel by Tuesday, Nov. 24, in the Leadership Center in Suite B 160 of the lower level of the E.H. Hereford University Center. Drop off those gifts 9 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays by Monday, Nov. 30. For questions, call the Leadership Center at 2-9220. ![]() FabLab has a new websiteThe new UTA FabLab website at provides details about equipment, software, and tutorials on technology. Videos and upcoming events are also on the site. ![]() ARDC electrical maintenance may affect service Nov. 28-29The Arlington Regional Data Center will add additional generators and power feeds 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 28-29. The Office of Information Technology is adding the new generators to ensure the stability of UTA services in the event of a power disruption. Services may be temporarily interrupted during the upgrade. Check on service on the OIT system status website. ![]()
5K walk participants stroll through east campus this weekendThe 2015 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K Walk will run 1-4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 22, on the east side of campus. Approximately 5,000 participants are expected. The start/finish location will be in Lot 52, which will close Saturday, Nov. 21. The walk ranges from West Street to Park Row Drive, along Pecan and Center streets to UTA Boulevard, to Cooper Street, and through campus. Access to parking lots and streets within the route will be limited. Motorists should avoid the area. ![]() Take bookstore surveyUTA Bookstore and Follett would like input from students, faculty, and administrators about products, services, and more. Complete the survey by Sunday, Nov. 29. ![]() Nominations accepted for Excellence in Doctoral Student Mentoring AwardThe Office of Graduate Studies is now accepting nominations for the 2015-2016 Excellence in Doctoral Student Mentoring Award. The award is for faculty members who have a strong record of excellence in mentoring doctoral students. The selected individual will receive $3,000 and will be recognized at the Spring Meeting of the University Faculty and Associates. The nominations alternate between the STEM disciplines or from the liberal arts and professional disciplines. For the 2016 award, nominations are being accepted from the College of Architecture, Planning and Public Affairs; College of Business; College of Liberal Arts; College of Nursing and Health Innovation; College of Education; and the School of Social Work. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Jan. 22, 2016. ![]()
Outstanding Academic Adviser nominations soughtNominations are being accepted for Outstanding Academic Advisers. Awards will be given to one faculty adviser and one professional adviser. Nominees should exhibit the characteristics of an outstanding adviser: respect, care, and concern for the student and for his or her goals; responsiveness to students’ needs; resourcefulness; and knowledge of University policies and procedures. Submit nominations by Feb. 2, 2016. ![]() Be part of Involvement FairsRegistered student organizations are encouraged to host an information table at New Maverick Orientation's Involvement Fairs. The next fairs are Thursday, Nov. 19, and Saturday, Dec. 5. These sessions are an opportunity to share information about your programs and services with incoming students. There are a limited number of tables available, so register your group in advance. Visit the Involvement Fair website for details and to register. ![]() ![]()
![]() Spring registration is open; see your adviser nowMake plans to register for the winter intersession and spring 2016 terms. The schedule of classes and the registration timetable are available on the MyMav page. Check your Student Center in MyMav to see if you need to meet with your academic adviser before registering. A list of advising offices is online. Call to schedule an appointment or check walk-in hours. ![]() Fall final exam schedule availableThe final exam schedule for the fall term is available online. Finals are scheduled Dec. 12-18. ![]() Transcripts available in PDF formatUTA now offers transcripts in PDF format. Students can send PDF transcripts by email to another university, a potential employer, or themselves. Read more about ordering transcripts. ![]() Print your own enrollment verificationEnrollment verification is available online. To print your verification, log on to MyMav, go to Student Center, and click on Request Enrollment Verification to access the National Student Loan Clearinghouse. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, Nov. 17Clavier Piano Recital Free. 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Deck the Mall Welcome the holiday season with music, hot chocolate, and lighting up the Library mall. Free. 7 p.m., Library mall. EXCEL Campus Activities. Wednesday, Nov. 18Great American Smoke Out 10 a.m.–2 p.m., Palo Duro Lounge, E.H. Hereford University Center. Health Services. One Mic Stand Comedy Show Dulce Sloan is a stand-up comedian, actor, and improv artist. Free. 7 p.m., Rosebud Theatre, E.H. Hereford University Center. EXCEL Campus Activities. Thursday, Nov. 19Guest Wind Recital Stephen F. Austin University wind faculty. Free. 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Transgender Day of Remembrance Finn Jones from Transcendence DFW and candlelight vigil. 6-8 p.m., Student Congress Chambers, E.H. Hereford University Center. LGBTQA Program. Friday, Nov. 20Apollo’s Flight Live music and visual effects mingle for this original performance. See trailer. Tickets $15 students, up to age 12; $20 general public, call 817-272-1183. 7 p.m., Planetarium. Also, Saturday, Nov. 21. Planetarium. Symphonic Band Concert Free. 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Friday Night Film: 'Straight Outta Compton' Rated R. Free popcorn. Concessions for sale. $1, $1.50 with credit card. 8 p.m., Rosebud Theatre, E.H. Hereford University Center. EXCEL Campus Activities. Saturday, Nov. 21UTA Symphony Orchestra Concert Tickets. $9, $6 students, seniors. 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Holiday Extravaganza A family-oriented holiday celebration with arts and crafts representing a variety of winter holidays, cookie decorating, and pictures with Santa. Free. 11 a.m., Palo Duro Lounge, E.H. Hereford University Center. Freshmen Leaders on Campus. Sunday, Nov. 22Bassoon Studio Recital Free. 5:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Monday, Nov. 23Voice Division Recital Free. Noon, Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Trombone Ensemble Concert Free. 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Tuesday, Nov. 24
Viola Studio Recital Free. 7:30 p.m., Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. Women’s Basketball Mavericks vs. Seton Hall. Tickets $3 with student ID; $7-20. 7 p.m., College Park Center. Also, vs. Missouri Valley College, Saturday, Nov. 28, Recover from Black Friday, Post-Game Autographs. Athletics. Wednesday, Nov. 25Men's Basketball Mavericks vs. Grambling State. Tickets $7-20. 7 p.m., College Park Center. Athletics. Coming UpConcerts and Recitals Honors Recital, noon, and String Chamber Recital, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 30; UTA Jazz Concert, tickets $6-9, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1; UTA Choir Concert, tickets $6-9, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3; Flute Studio Recital, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4. Free, unless noted. Irons Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building. Music. World AIDS Day 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 1, Palo Duro Lounge, E.H. Hereford University Center. Health Services. SHAC Spa Retreat 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, Palo Duro Lounge, E. H. Hereford University Center. Health Services.
Men’s Basketball Mavericks vs. North Texas. Orange Out. Tickets $3 with student ID; $7-20. 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, College Park Center. Also, vs. Bradley, '90s Night/Space Jam, Tuesday, Dec. 8; vs. Sul Ross State, Holiday Hoops, Monday, Dec. 21; vs. Georgia State, Family Night, camper reunion, indoor tailgate, Wednesday, Dec. 30; vs. Georgia Southern, 7:15 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 2. Athletics. Friends of the Library Paul Chaplo, Marfa Flights: Aerial Views of Big Bend Country. 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4, sixth floor parlor, Central Library. Friends of the Library. Jim Hayes Invitational Wheelchair Basketball Tournament All day Saturday, Dec. 5, Maverick Activities Center, Physical Education Building. Movin' Mavs. Late Night Breakfast 9:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 14, Connection Cafe, E.H. Hereford University Center. Women’s Basketball Mavericks vs. Western Kentucky, Holiday Hoops, Sunday, Dec. 13. Tickets $3 with student ID; $7-20. 2 p.m., College Park Center. Also, vs. Georgia State, Family Night, camper reunion, indoor tailgate, 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 30; vs. Georgia Southern, 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 2. Athletics. Commencement Ceremonies Thursday-Saturday, Dec. 17-19, College Park Center. Commencement. OngoingReunion: XV Faculty Biennial and Invited Alumni Exhibition Concurrent exhibitions feature 35 faculty members and 26 invited art graduates. Hours for both galleries 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, and noon-5 p.m. Saturdays. Gallery West, Studio Arts Center; and The Gallery at UTA, Fine Arts Building. Through Nov. 21. Art and Art History. Ornament and Adornment: The Decoration and Application Techniques of African Masks 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, Visual Resources Commons, Room 2109, Fine Arts Building. Through Dec. 9. Art and Art History. University Center Gallery: Digital Photography Student Exhibit 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays-Fridays. University Center Gallery, E.H. Hereford University Center. Through Dec. 12. EXCEL Campus Activities. Special Collections: Ringside: Memories of WCC Wrestling 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Mondays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays, sixth floor, Central Library. Through Jan. 16. UTA Libraries Special Collections. Planetarium Fall shows SOFIA 3-D, Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, From the Earth to the Universe, Astronaut, Pink Floyd, and Spacepark 360: Infinity. Planetarium. (For an expanded list of events, see the UTA calendar.) ![]() ![]()
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Women's basketball team hosts WNIT consolation round this weekUTA's women's basketball team will host the first consolation round for the Women's National Invitational Tournament Friday-Saturday, Nov. 20-21, at College Park Center. Dartmouth and McNeese State will play at 5 p.m.. Friday, followed by the Mavericks vs. Jacksonville at 7:15 p.m.. On Saturday, the winners will play each other, and the losers will play each other. UTA will play at 7:15 p.m.., regardless of Friday's results, and the other game will tip off at 5 p.m. For more WNIT news, go to Tickets are available at Mavs top Fordham in opener, hit road for threeUTA men's basketball team pulled off a thrilling season-opening 77-72 win against Fordham on Saturday night at College Park Center. The Mavericks' shooting was hot out of the gate, as they led Fordham 8-3 less than three minutes into the first half. The Mavericks open a three-game road stand beginning with Louisiana Tech at 6:30 p.m. today, Tuesday, Nov. 17, then Ohio State on Friday, Nov. 20, and Memphis on Monday, Nov. 23. Sports Shorts• Senior Katelyn Hayward earned All-South Central Region accolades after placing 19th among 139 runners Friday at the NCAA South Central Regional. The race in College Station officially closed the 2015 seasons for the men’s and women’s cross country teams. • The Sun Belt Conference announced its largest television package ever for men's and women's basketball for the 2015-16 season. UTA's men's team has one game televised on ESPN2 and five on ESPN3. The women's team has three games on ESPN3. Read more about the televised SBC games. Intramural deadline for innertube water poloUpcoming intramural sports deadlines are innertube water polo, Sunday, Nov. 22; 3-on-3 wheelchair basketball, Tuesday, Dec. 8; and college football bowl pick 'em, Sunday, Dec. 13. See the intramural sports schedule. Pick up entry forms at the Services and Information Desk of the Maverick Activities Center. For questions, call 817-272-3277 or email (For more sports news, go to,, or ![]() |