Proposal 01-01: NEW TEST

Number 01-01
Authored by Zach Walker
Sponsored by James Urban
Date Introduced Friday, March 16, 2018
Date of Final Vote Saturday, March 17, 2018
Result 3
Remarks This is a remark
Whereas The Mav Express office formerly provided a valuable service to students whereby they would act as a broker for ticket sales for campus organizations, for season tickets to local amusement parks, and other venues; and
Whereas Mav Express would conduct approximately 25,000 transactions per year; and
Whereas Accounting and Business Services began charging all auxiliary departments a 3% fee for all transactions, including these pass-through services; and
Whereas Due to this 3% fee, Mav Express was not able to continue this service without a financial loss to the department and has been forced to stop selling tickets and vehicle registrations; and
Whereas This was a valuable and well-utilized service that promoted the 'traditional' environment of the campus community and was a convenience to students, faculty, and staff.
Be It Further Resolved That Accounting and Business Services waive the 3% fee for all 'pass-through' transactions from the Mav Express Office; and
Be It Further Resolved That Mav Express resume their ticket-selling again once the 3% fee is waived and compliance is met with corresponding state laws.