Legislative Resolutions

Number Title Description Authors Sponsors
24-19 Pedal Power More bicycle racks/stands be installed around campus, especially close to popular locations so students can park their bicycles. Adib Kadir
Leslie Huynh
24-20 Fire Up Tradition Asks that UTA reinstate the ceremonial cannon for use on special occasions such as ceremonies, holidays, and to honor fallen members of the UTA community, with the support of the UTA ROTC. In addition a formal notification process be implemented along side this. Andres Morales, Deon Rodrigues
Andres Morales
24-17 Easy Access Theater Requests that the Fine Arts building be made more accessible to those who are handicapped in any and all aspects Trevor C. McCullough
Austin Palacios
24-18 Test Ready Advocates for the establishment of a testing center or designated area for the general student population, providing an equitable environment for all students to take their exams. Jesus Torres
Tahiyat Tasdic
24-15 Locker Drop Requests that UTA install Amazon Lockers at strategic locations across campus Andres Morales
Leslie Huynh, Andres Morales
24-16 Level Up: A-Level Classes Requests that UTA include A-levels as a way for students to receive college credits. Adib Kadir
Tahiyat Tasdic
24-12 Don't Close the Book Asks that UTA restores the Central Library's hour to 24/7 Sawar Gupta, Areeb Khan
Sawar Gupta, Cydnee Lacy, Mustafa Al-Azawe, Marcus Otero, Aaliyah Duff, Erykah Agers, Yash Ajariwal
24-14 Leading the Way Early Registration Leaders UTA should extend its early registration policy to include student leaders on campus, such as members of the Student Government, Excel Campus Activities, UTA Ambassadors, and College Constituency Councils. Areeb Khan
Aminur Nafio
24-13 Valedictory Victory Each college within UTA shall have the autonomy to select their own valedictorian, utilizing a process based on applications or recommendations Areeb Khan
Aminur Nafio
24-11 Opportunities in Orientation This resolution seeks to take down language barriers during orientation by including different dates/rooms/ and language speakers.
24-10 NPHC Plots The resolution advocates for the placement of NPHC plots for the greek life.
24-06 Seizing Second Chances The resolution asks that the university revise its policy to permit credit by exam. Yaseen Tasnif, Vaishavi Guttikonda
Yaseen Tasnif, Vaishavi Guttikonda
24-09 Mavs Move Fast This resolution seeks to change Mav Movers routes and operational hours to better suite students demands. Yash Ajariwal, Mayte Campos, Aminur Bari, Hannah Serenko
Areeb Khan
24-07 Locked Out, Give a Shout! The university should have the proper equipment to assist students when they are locked out of their cars. Yaseen Tasnif, Vaishavi Guttikonda
Yaseen Tasnif, Vaishavi Guttikonda
24-08 Modernizing Campus Life The university should implement and establish a policy that allows the use of mobile ID's Hannah Serenko
Hannah Serenko
24-03 Renovate and Renew The student senate seeks to propose a referendum of renovating the UC and place the renovation on the ballot to be voted on by the student community.
24-05 Code Clinic The resolution asks that the university establish a computer science tutoring clinic. Gunnika Kapoor
Gunnika Kapoor
24-01 Enroll With Ease For students taking Honor classes this resolution seeks to require all instructors post their assignments and courses sections when the early registration date opens so that the students can take full advantage of the priority enrollment.
24-02 Shared Spaces and Priority Due to a new policy issued by The University Housing office the student affairs committee argues that it neglects equal priority for both returning and FTIC students with the already existing student population of returning residential students. Areeb Khan, Chris Casarez
Areeb Khan
23-09 Park and Prevail Due to the rising cases of extreme weather conditions, the student government advocates for students who pay for permits that do not include garage parking have the garage open to those students during extreme weather to protect their property. Furthermore, the committee seeks to push the policy of letting there be effective communication of this opportunity of the garages being available to these students.
23-07 Don't Skip Leg Day Due to a disproportionate ratio of the cardio machines within the gym, the senators advocate for an increase in the number of strength equipment. Furthermore, they suggest that the MAC faculty should consider balancing the ratio of both cardio equipment and strength training equipment based on demand.
23-08 Blinding lights The committee advocates for signs on building to be lighten up or cleaned up around so that building signs can be clearly seen where it is required.
23-05 Music for the Ups and Downs Resolution ask that there be music in the elevators
23-06 Removal of E.H. Hereford's Bust from The UC Resolution on the removal of the Hereford's bust from UC.
23-04 A Collegiate Strategic Plan
23-02 Connect Before You Inspect This resolution asks that the University of Texas at Arlington provide notice of when maintenance will come into student dorms, including the date and a time frame.
23-03 Unions Aren't a Bust This resolution asks that administrators at The University of Texas at Arlington sign a written pledge to work with Unions and refrain from practicing “union-busting.”
23-02 Connect Before You Inspect
23-01 Make Accessible Voting Unproblematic (MAV UP) This resolution asks that Election Day become an official holiday for students, faculty, staff, and administration.
23-01 Make Accessible Voting Unproblematic (MAV UP) The Student Senate advocates for the implementation of a policy that would encourage students and give them the opportunity and to vote in elections through the use of asynchronous classes on election days.
22-21 Once And For All, Football This resolution asks that Student Government hold a referendum in the upcoming campus elections to ask students if The University of Texas at Arlington should raise the Intercollegiate Athletics Fee by upwards of $500 a year to establish a NCAA Division I Collegiate Football Program.
22-20 Reduce, Reuse, Recyc-hall This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington limit single-use plastic or other environmentally unsustainable dishes both for serving food and for students to use to eat by using reusable, compostable, or environmentally sustainable tableware.
24-04 Vamos a Votar The resolution advocates that the university implements ride services to early voting and election day voting locations for students. Yaseen Tasnif
Yaseen Tasnif
22-18 South Asian Heritage Inclusion (SAHI) This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington build and introduce a combined Hindi/Urdu, Hindi, or Urdu program.
22-19 Support Court Concessions
22-16 Removal of E.H. Hereford from the UC This resolution asks that a referendum be held to put the question to students regarding the removal of E.H. Hereford's bust and name.
22-17 Renaming Woolf Hall This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington establish a committee to recommend whether 'Jack R. Woolf's name be removed from the Engineering building.
22-15 Accessibly Built This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington must ensure that every classroom and elevator comply with ADA codes and requirements and that The University of Texas at Arlington allow adequate accessibility for mobility device users.
22-12 Objection Your Honor, Direction
22-13 Replace The Bag Embrace
22-14 Equity in Facility Accessibility
22-10 Lettuce Learn More
22-11 Facility Accessibility
22-08 "Pay-ve the Minimum Way-ge" This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington consider implementing a new minimum wage, and that it is subject to regular review.
22-05 Picture Your Future This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington and the Career Development Center invest in a free and accessible professional headshot booth.
21-08 Green, Clean, Solar Dream
21-03 Plan Before You Build
21-02 COVID Test To Go
20-07 Adulting 101
20-05 Hydration To Go
20-06 Please Pass The Grade
20-02 HDMI - No You Didn't!
20-04 Food For Fines
20-03 Representation Matters for NPHC
20-01 Bring Dead Days Back!
19-10 An Advanced Notice Would be Nice
19-23 What About A Billing Department
19-21 Contraceptive Availability
19-22 Cut that Expense!
19-20 Beep Beep! Coming Thru!
19-17 Parking For All
19-18 Styrofoam To-Go Is A No-Go
19-19 Don't Be Gassy!
19-11 We Need Adequate Lactation Rooms!
19-12 UTA Is My Home
19-13 Sustainability Central
19-16 What Do we want?! Free Online Resources!
19-15 Commemorating Zeb Strong
19-08 Fix Me Through the Booth
19-09 Funding For GRAs and GTAs
19-05 Green for Green
19-05 Green for Green
19-07 Testing, Testing 1-2-3...
19-01 OMG, 911!
19-02 Establishing a Memorial for Ernest Hooper, Jerry Hanes, and Leaston Chase III
19-03 More Labs for Everyone
18-25 Renaming Davis Hall
18-22 ATTENTION! We Have a Wheely Good Bike Policy
18-24 All Hail Credit By Exam
18-20 Locked the Key to Success in my Car
18-21 Forgive me for I have Failed
18-15 Outlets for All
18-16 Couch Potato
18-17 Lead the Way
18-18 Renaming the University Center
18-19 Summer Schoolin
18-12 Dissecting Business Hours
18-13 Racks on Racks on Racks UTA install skateboard racks with steel rings.
18-11 Advised Advisors
18-10 Hablo Espanol...Pero Solo Poquito (I speak Spanish...but only a little)
18-07 Reflection Room 2.0 UTA construct or designate a large room as a reflection room.
18-07 Reflection Room 2.0
18-05 Mapping Clinics UTA Health Center provide a list of non-emergency clinics on their website that students can visit when the UTA Health Center is closed.
18-09 All Abroad UTA start a college wide iniative to encourage departments to offer more study abroad programs.
18-04 I am Woman, Give me Options All on campus shops be required to sell women’s hygiene products and dispensers in restrooms be refilled regularly.
18-08 When you need to Call on the Library Mall... UTA place a blue emergency call pole between the Fine Art's building and the Central Library.
18-03 Wet Hair, DO Care MAC installs blow dryers in locker rooms.
18-01 Gimme More, Gimme More UTA introduce a comprehensive CAPS module into the Campus Climate module, with a focus on suicide prevention.
17-40 An Early Start for GTA/CA’s UTA make GTA & CA assignments available before the first day of classes.
17-38 Major Identification Student IDs include information regarding student’s major classification.
17-33 Campus Living On a Budget Brazos and Trinity house be replaced with residence halls that offer affordable housing and no meal plan requirements if the buildings are torn down.
17-30 Free or not free, That is the Question UTA promote the use of free online textbooks to academic departments.
17-37 Ice, Ice, Baby An ice maker be placed in either the University Center or Central Library for student use.
17-36 EPICS Saves the World UTA adopt the EPICS program.
17-34 Just Give Me a Reason Having surveys available for students to fill out after they drop a class in order to figure out why they dropped a class.
17-35 What's the Score? UTA CONHI provide information regarding how applicants are scored so applicants can better understand the strength of their application.
17-39 At Last I See The Light UTA implement an automatic lighting system for the MAC Tennis courts.
17-27 Can I have your Number? Having Mav Courtesy Escort number on Maverick ID’s.
18-06 Crisis Averted Campus emergency training be taught during first year seminar classes.
18-02 I'll take my Credit Elsewhere UTA allow credits from accredited junior colleges and universities to use towards credit hour requirements for academic scholarships.
17-31 CAPS After Hours Having UTA CAPS open on weekends or extend their weekday hours.
17-32 Level up: IPv4 to IPv6 Updating UTA’s network to IPv6
17-28 Help Wanted: Pre-Health Advisor UTA establish a pre-health advisor.
17-24 Practice Makes Perfect Adding practice rooms to various buildings around campus for music students to use.
17-25 Internship Times Two The College of Business allow international students to participate in multiple internships.
17-29 Get on Board with Bulletin Boards UTA install bulletin boards in the new buildings being built on campus.
17-26 Who you gonna call? Maintenance! UTA advertise maintenance’s phone number and website in restrooms and around water fountains.
17-22 Wat(er) Bout More Having a water bottle filling station on each floor of the library.
17-23 Secur-ty, Secur-ty! Having surveillance cameras in parking lots.
17-18 Is That Your Final Answer? Extending the student survey period until week afters finals.
17-19 Bed by Bed Having Meadow Run and Arbor Oaks apartments lease by bed rather than having one lease per apartment
17-16 Turncoats Having UTA CONHI change its jacket dress code from white coats to navy scrub jackets
17-17 Don't Cap CAPS Lengthening CAPS module during orientation
17-15 Art Thou Not Appreciated? Art majors being excused from taking Art, Music and Theatre appreciated classes.
17-14 Monies & Bankshots Implementing a Intercollegiate Adaptive Sports fee
17-13 Appeal Ye! Appeal Ye! Having more Hearing Officers for Student Conduct hearings and change in policy.
17-11 Eat. Sleep. Print. Repeat Install print stations in residence halls
17-12 Commuter on Board Placing additional notice boards in further parking lots.
17-10 Be Drastic, Cut Plastic UTA phases out plastic bags on campus
17-07 Every Gender May Enter The University of Texas at Arlington adds or converts unisex restrooms in certain locations.
17-09 Sanctuary For All UTA claims itself as sanctuary campus and refuse to cooperate with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement without a court order
17-21 Stipend Increases Increasing stipends by at least 8 % for GTA's and Graduate Assistants
17-08 Stated Existence International students be provided appropriate information during orientation about obtaining an acceptable identity card
17-04 Gradu-Aid Remaining portion of Academic Scholarship be applied towards higher degree level if a student decides to continue education at UTA
17-03 CAPS On Demand UTA CAPS provides online/video option for their counseling services
17-02 Slow Your Roll UTA works with City of Arlington to reduce the speed limit on Center St.
17-01 P-Aid by the Hour The UT Arlington Financial Aid office creates a system to allow certain students to take fewer credit hours for scholarship renewal.
17-06 My Bud is Ombuds UTA establish an office or designate an ombuds person at UTA
16-28 See Me Rollin', They Ticketin' Allow student parking after 5 in Lot F10
16-29 Rendez Vous Sil Vous Plait Have online scheduling for Advising appointment
16-27 Not too cray to J Install a crosswalk across Center Street near Dan Dipert Welcome Center
17-20 Resolution 17-20 UTA having more graduate classes take place in a traditional classroom setting.
16-26 Carry me home tonight Extend Mav Escort Services Vehicles and Hours
16-23 SAP Trap SAP hold specifies what type of hold it is and the system is maintained properly
16-25 Exchange Opportunity UTA become a member of National Student Exchange program
16-30 House It Going? Update students on housing wait-list appropriately by telling them their wait-list number
16-21 Our new place, our new space Have a storage and social space for student organizations
16-24 Forget me not Establish reasonable Alumni parking rates
16-20 +/- Dilemma Implement a +/- grading system
16-19 Are you complyin'? Have Faculty/Staff and Student Employees be trained in ADA Compliance
16-22 Abolishuttle Make the shuttle fee voluntary for students
16-18 Dollup of Help Have a cart or dolly for students to check out to carry tables, chairs etc
16-16 Turkey Day Day before thanksgiving should be off
16-17 Alternative Access Have an alternate way to access architecture studio if student loses their ID over the weekend
17-05 Easy Match for My Schej CAPS (Counseling & Psychological Services) provide an option schedule appointments online
16-15 Push it Ensuring that all bathrooms are accessible for students with disabilities.
16-12 Breaking Bread Ensuring a gluten free option is available for students and staff is informed on how to prepare it.
16-13 Get On My Level Providing accommodations at connection cafe for those who require it
16-14 Access Denied Have UTA partner with third party bank to allow organizations to bank with them
16-10 Make it SNAPpy Having SNAP Jobs respond to applicants that the job has been filled.
16-11 No Longer Available Ensuring each departments course catalog is up to date.
16-09 Light it Up Adding lighting to the West Lawn of the MAC
16-08 Pop, Lock and Drop it Adding lockers in the University Center for commuter students.
16-05 Newsworthy Add informational programming on the TV systems in the University Center
16-07 Keeping the Maverick Way Allowing international students to coincide with freshman orientation sessions.
16-06 A New Place to Kick it Having a secondary location for indoor soccer available at the MAC.
16-04 Keep it Trashy Implementing more dumpsters to meet the trash needs of Arlington Hall.
16-03 Blinded by the Light Adding sun shades in the Palo Duro Lounge.
16-02 Oops, I Took it Again Digital resource for advising for students.
15-23 Anatomically Unavailable Extending the hours and availability in the Science Education and Career Center
16-01 Credit or Debit Implement credit/debit card readers for all vending machines on campus.
15-24 Take Me Home Tonight Shuttle service to Centennial Court.
15-22 Turnip the Heat Having a vegetarian grill only in the Dining Hall.
15-21 Power to the People Electrical outlets in the Central Library.
15-20 POD for My Bod Extend the hours of MAC POD location.
15-19 Permit Me, If I May Creating monthly, by semester and yearly options for MavPark.
15-18 Book it! Giving students the ability to purchase textbooks from the UTA Bookstore on their MyMav account while they are awaiting financial aid disbursement.
15-12 The Eleventh Hour Extending Fine Arts and Architecture Library Hours.
15-15 MyMav My Way Increasing the amount of MyMav Kiosks available in on-campus buildings.
15-16 Swipe to the left, Swipe to the right Increasing the amount of ValuePort Terminals (the machines used to add money for printing) in the computer labs on campus.
15-14 The Maverick of Wall Street Allowing business students access to academic source such as the Wall Street journal and NY Times.
15-13 Bin There Done That Increasing the amount of trash and recycling receptacles around on campus apartments.
15-17 Meet Your Senator Presenting Student Congress senator information in each respective college advising office.
15-08 I feel (honored) This resolution looks to bring back verbal recognition for students graduating with Honors.
15-09 dare honores meos This resolution looks to bring back verbal recognition for students graduating with Latin Honors
15-10 Sustainability Fee-sibility Looking to add a referendum to support efforts of Sustainability
15-11 Guarda Chi Parla Looking to introduce courses in Italian language and culture
15-05 C8 - Eat Great Students want healthier vending machines at UT Arlington.
15-06 Blaze, It's Cold Outside Residence halls remain open during winter break.
15-07 Weekend Rx The UTA Health Center remain open on weekends.
15-01 Finally Free To Study Extending the University Center's hour of operations to allow for more available space for students to study during finals week.
15-02 Archi-technologically Unavailable Architecture students feel that there is not enough available lab space for them to use up-to-date software to work on their projects.
15-03 Printing in Pajamas Residence halls have designated study areas, but these spaces lack the convenience of a printing station.
15-04 My Home, My Furniture. Students oppose the decision made by University Housing to furnish previously unfurnished apartments.
14-12 U-See Reservations Online database that shows reserved rooms
14-11 Priority Mail Upgrading UTA Post office to full service
14-10 Honorable Discharge Retiring the Honors Senator position at the end of the 2014-2015 term
14-06 Financial Shade The University should re-examine their financial aid policies and disbursement dates for students who take summer classes to meet requirements
14-07 Enrichment Hour, Part Deux Consider rescheduling labs that conflict with Enrichment Hour
14-08 Go FIGure All-sports passes for FIG students
14-09 Press My Buttons Crosswalk timers at the crosswalk on UTA Blvd. between the Social Work parking lot and the Engineering Research Building
14-05 Post E-Board Digital bulletin boards are added around campus on the inside or outside of buildings for use of student organization's flagship events and campus elections.
14-04 ARA Markdown We recommend that ARAMARK, UT Arlington's dining services provider, reset their continental and mid-day dining prices to reflect the reduction of food options.
14-03 B Minor The College Of Business at UT Arlington permit students to have the option to pursue a minor in conjunction with their Bachelor of Business Administration degree.
14-01 404 Error: Clinic Not Found The College of Engineering implement an engineering clinic or that individual engineering departments offer clinics to assist students that are enrolled in engineering courses at UT Arlington.
14-02 Rosetta Stone The College of Business at UT Arlington allow business students to take foreign language courses as a non-business elective that counts towards their designated degree plan.
13-27 Transferable and Refundable Policy -- TARP The Office of Graduate Studies amend their policy and amend the debt incurred by students for their graduation fee to be refunded in full, or transferred as payment toward an alternative graduation date.
13-28 Affordable Graduation Act The Office of Graduate Studies decrease their late fee to no more than $20 added to the initial fee of $40.
13-29 CLEP Out UTA provide its students with more opportunities to test out of classes by offering more CLEP exams.
13-30 Don't Waste My Time UTA implement a university wide, online sign-up system for advising appointments that would allow students to schedule an advising appointment prior to meeting with an adviser.
13-25 Meals to Spare The value of the forfeited meals from students meal plans should be donated to an appropriate charity organization on behalf of the students of the University of Texas at Arlington.
13-26 My Schedule, My Choice All students have the option to enroll by themselves instead of automatic enrollment.
13-21 Safe and Sound UTA's Police Department extend the Maverick Escort Ride Service hours to include Friday and Saturday nights from 7pm-3am.
13-22 Surfing the Service Wave UTA attaches identification codes to service learning classes so that students may search for these classes prior to registration using the MyMav system.
13-23 This Was Not The Test Departmental finals be abandoned in favor of final examinations that are written solely by the instructor of the course.
13-24 Save My GPA MyMav be equipped with a feature that enables students to print copies of their unofficial transcript along with another feature that would allow students to save a copy of their unofficial transcript as a file on their computer.
13-20 Darn! Where Is The Nearest POD Store? There should be a convenience store inside the Central Library for the convenience of staff and students.
13-17 Take The Covers Off UTA should eliminate the use of the cover sheet receipt in the University Center and the Central Library saving the university and its students time and resources.
13-18 Rack Rack City UTA install more bicycle racks at existing locations, especially at residence halls on campus to meet the needs of the students.
13-19 Move Out Of My Way Bicycle lanes be installed on the walkway from Arlington Hall to Cooper Street and on the walkway from University Hall to the Engineering Research Building.
13-11 Bike Our Way To Health Implement a bike sharing program for UTA
13-13 Save Some Green By Going Green UTA should develop a plan for implementing sustainable green landscaping throughout existing buildings and university property
13-14 Call Me Maybe UTA central library should invest in converting the outdated and unused phone booths on the upper floors of the central library to community charging stations where students may duck inside to accept personal phone calls away from the rest of the quiet library activity.
13-15 Greener parking Makes Better Neighbors UT Arlington should research and possibly implement through its Campus Sustainability initiative greener surface parking lot designs to implement as new or old surface parking lots are resurfaced or built to meet campus parking demands
13-16 Help A Student Out Advising offices be equipped with a handicap accessible automatic button.
13-12 Sit Before You Squat UTA should purchase durable movable cafe tables and chairs for general purpose use all over campus
13-07 I Need A Voice! MavElite tour guides be equipped with microphones and speakers to make communication more effective.
13-08 Go Big Or Go Home! UTA build a facility, or repurpose an exisiting facility that is dedicated solely to student organizations.
13-09 Breaking It Down To The Basics The chemistry clinic that the University currently has be expanded to include the biological sciences, beginning with the lower level/freshmen biology classes.
13-10 A Fair Deal For A Square Deal The prices of the Continental, Mid-Day, and Dinner after 8PM meals be lowered to offer a better priced option for students choosing to remain on campus to eat.
13-06 You Already Have My Money University housing residents who retain a $150 deposit on record with the Housing Office will be allowed to waive any additional deposit payment requirements related to future university housing contracts.
13-03 Tick Tock All classrooms be required to have a clock.
13-04 Thou Shall Not Pass No vehicles be allowed on campus walkways between 11AM and 2PM, Monday through Friday.
13-05 Mix It Up Oozeball be scheduled for the spring semester.
13-01 Help Us Out! UTA incur all charges related to disability services so that the affected students have the resources they need while students running the organization can focus on the purpose of the organization rather than ways to raise funds just to pay the said charges.
13-02 A Great Big UT Arlington WELCOME!!! The word "Welcome" be displayed in the officially recognized language of each of the 115 countries, along with the name of the country printed underneath, representing past and present students be displayed in the six kiosks along the windows of the Dan Dipert University Welcome Center.
12-21 It's Getting Hot In Here" The HVAC system should always remain on in the Architecture Building
12-22 Pencil Me In UTA make semester grades available to students who complete their professor evaluations earlier than students who don't complete their surveys as an incentive to receive timely feedback.
12-17 Notifications Please Students are notified via email immediately after a change of the course professor or classroom location.
12-18 Running For Gold Students, faculty,and staff be allowed to jog, walk, or run on the track at the Maverick Stadium.
12-19 Im Trying To Maintain My Girlish Figure Students living in on-campus housing or employed by the university during the summer be given free access to the MAC without being required to enroll in summer classes.
12-20 Let's Go To Wally World! Implement the South Cooper Walmart location into the MavMover shuttle route schedule
12-16 Give it To Me A system be implemented, such a degree audit team, which oversees the review of final semester class completion for all candidates participating in the commencement ceremonies
12-13 Dance, Dance All of the rooms in the MAC may be available for student organizations to reserve through a formal reservation process at anytime while the MAC is open.
12-14 Let My Flag Fly Freely The decision to ban flags, symbols, and other national seals of countries or territories at the University of Texas at Arlington be repealed.
12-11 Look Both Ways! The University of Texas at Arlington place two crosswalks across Doug Russell Road to connect Lots 49 and 50 and protect those students.
12-12 We Have Spirit, Yes We Do, We Have Spirit, What About You? The football program should be resurrected at The University of Texas at Arlington
12-09 Let's Get Ethical! All UT Arlington schools and colleges devote part of the Freshman Seminar curriculum to the study of Professional Ethics
12-10 Videodrome Students be given greater involvement in the programming of the UT Arlington channel, so that it may one day serve as a tool to unite and entertain the on-campus student community.
12-01 Help Us Help Ourselves Student Congress be allotted a resolution budget for the purpose of carrying out certain resolutions independently as situations deem appropriate.
12-02 Memory Lane UTA bring back the yearbook for a test run of at least one year, so that financial data can be collected.
12-03 Broke and Out of Luck The primary programs utilized by various majors (Photoshop, SPSS, etc.) which currently are only available on lab computers be made available on the fifth floor of the Central Library.
12-04 Printing Made Easy Students are allowed an additional option upon swiping your MavID at a UTA print station, the charges be directly charged to your MyMav account as would any other fee
12-05 Poppin' Pills The P.O.D. add vitamins to their product inventory to promote the general health of the student body.
12-08 For the Glory of Capitalism Campus fees be separated from general tuition and converted to a payment system akin to the one used at UT San Antonio for the betterment of our university
12-07 Easy Access UT Arlington officials look at converting the entrances in University Hall closest to the Office of Students with Disabilities and the Adaptive Resource Center to be fully handicap accessible.
12-06 Was Kein Deutsch?!? (What, No German?!?) A German major be offered at The University of Texas at Arlington.
11-18 Occupy The Library Plaza! The Central Library adopt a fingerprint scanner based check-in system similar to the Maverick Activities Center.
11-19 Dining a la Vegan. A greater variety of vegan dining options, as well as more allergen-friendly options, be reliably offered in the Connections Cafe and the Plaza in the University Center during dining hours
11-17 Facebook Is Not The Answer. The third and fifth floor computers in the Central Library be blocked from accessing social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
11-16 Mavs Go Green and know their print jobs - 2.0 A receipt containing all the necessary print job information be automatically emailed to the users UTA email for records management and to facilitate reimbursement, if necessary
11-15 I Am Scared. Help Me! UTA golf-cart and police escorts extend their services to include UTA students living near UTA’s campus, but technically considered off-campus, according to the discretion and resources of the police department.
11-14 "Poppin' Bottles and Sippin' Champagne" The University of Texas at Arlington implements a celebration similar to that held in the spring for the thousands of students graduating in December.
11-12 Burrr It's Cold Outside All shuttle stops be enclosed during the winter months to provide a wind break for students waiting to ride the shuttles.
11-13 I Like It Hot Hot water dispensers to placed in the University Center and, if possible, in other on-campus buildings.
11-11 If You Build It, They Will Come A shelter be placed in the open space at the current School of Social Work shuttle stop to enhance the shuttle system and create a more comfortable commuting experience, which can increase ridership.
11-02 There's An App For That The UTA app update users about parking lot closures
11-03 So...Do I Start Monday? All SNAP Jobs employers contact students about applications status and/or denial of application in a timely manner.
11-04 Let the Fountains Quench His Thirst The Mav Market install a soft drink fountain machine and that the reusable mugs be accepted there.
11-05 Don't Kick Us Out Residence halls stay open for a time during winter break
11-07 I see a need for ICEE! UTA provide a frozen drink machine, like an ICEE, slushy or Slurpee machine, in the Plaza or in the Market.
11-06 A Picture Perfect Place UTA obtains permission from TxDOT to paint murals on the Cooper Street retaining walls
11-08 Let's review the schedule... UTA provides more variety in the scheduling of classes, especially in regards to adding more Monday and Wednesday classes.
11-09 Rules Were Not Made to be Broken A greater effort be made by the administration and Student Congress to make students aware of the traffic and parking rules and regulations.
11-10 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again The signs are changed to say "Permit required at all times"
11-01 A Rose is a Rose is a Rose Academic Departments insure that the Office of Records, Admissions and Registration has the most up-to-date listings of degree plans with the corresponding prerequisites and their equal equivalents
10-40 To REALLY be sustainable or not? That is the question. Professors are strongly encouraged to accept students’ papers via email without penalty to help students save printing dollars
10-A Opposition to Senate Bill 52 UTA Student Congress recognizes the negligible benefit for individuals as compared to the fiscal ramifications for the State revenue
10-39 Getting to Tier 1: It's all in your head! UTA considers creating an imaging center on campus for science and engeineering research
10-35 Memorial For Veterans UTA install a memorial honoring Vetrans
10-36 Lock In Green Recycling bins be located closer to the vicinity of regular trashcans to recycle products of glass, aluminum, paper, and plastic.
10-37 Computers Aren't Just Used for Social Networking The university and OIT create computer labs that can be used for testing purposes and seat at least 50 students.
10-38 Check Out Those Racks UTA provide more bicylcle racks at high-use buildings on campus for students to store their bicycles
10-31 Freeloaders Not Permitted UTA housing makes it a requirement for all those who own a key to the unit to have a written agreement with all parties that live in that unit to avoid roommate disagreements, etc.
10-32 Over the Hill to Grandmother's House We Go UTA provides the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off so students can travel home for the holiday without penalities
10-33 My Exercise Will Go On UTA considers having conferences and meetings in a different location other than the upstairs game room
10-34 Tortoises Are People Too Tortoises are allowed to be housed in on-campus residence halls
10-30 Empty Stop The Social Work Complex stop be by request only
10-29 Pay Now? The UTA health center to charge service to the student's MyMav Account
10-28 Save the Cyclists UTA administration to add paths designated for cyclists only
10-24 Gimme Some Legroom The computer lab tables be replaced with tables that follow the ADA guidelines to allow studnets with disabilites easier access
10-25 Give students proper recognition UTA provides three levels of honors cords available to students graduating with honors tha properly distinguish their level of accomplishment
10-26 I don't carry cash UTA post office installs a register so that students can also use cash, credit card, or debit card for payment of services
10-27 Dirty Hiny Hiders UTA look at remodeling restroom facliites such as UH and Trimble Hall
10-13 Don't You Want Us To Recycle? More recycling conatiners be placed around campus, especially near food venues
10-14 Is The Shuttle Coming? A shuttle sign be placed at the stop neat Bluebonnet Ballroom entrance in front of the UC
10-15 Give it Back That certain programs (Visual Studios) be reinstalled on all university computers for the benefit of CSE students
10-16 Do you Have Change for a Twenty? UTA look at placing more vending machines in centralized areas around campus that accept debit cards and UTA ID cards as valid payment
10-17 Dead Computer UTA begins exploring the placement of more outlets (both indoor and outdoor) so that students can plug in their laptops and other personal devices outside without the worry of their batteries going dead
10-18 More Advertising is a Must Bulletin boards be placed in central locations outdoors, such as outside the library
10-19 Quiet Please The 3rd floor be convered to a quiet study
10-20 Losing Liberties A new 24 hour computer lab be established at UTA
10-21 Let Me Learn More federal grants be sought out to aid student parents, or a day care service be established at UTA to take care of the children of student parents while they are in class
10-22 My Back Hurts 2 More buildings provide lockers for student's personal use, so they are not foced to haul heavy supplies over long distances
10-23 I Need a Nap The campus begins exploring the redistribution of UTA furniture to rest areas for students so they can rest freely without fear of being victimized
10-10 Repairs Needed The sinks and toilets in both restrooms in the COBA are repaired and automatic air fresherners are installed
10-11 Rollover Printing Money All students at UTA be allowed to keep the remaining printing allowance at the end of every academic year and have it "rollover" into their printing quota for next year
10-12 Let Alumni enjoy UTA events too The MAC building work with student organizations to begin implementing a system for these events that allows individual affiliated with UTA to enter the buliding free of charge
10-08 News for Everyone More Star Telegrams are progressively introduced to the major distributioin sites on campus; and the distribution site locations are made know to students
10-09 Help Me Cross the Street 2 The university take steps to ensure the safe passage of pedestrians across the stree during and after construction at the intersection of 3rd and Pecan Street
10-05 I Can't See at Night UTA install additional lighting on the south side of the building, and repair existing lighting on the East side which is not working
10-06 Help Me Cross the Street UTA meet with Fort Worth Officials to complete installation of a cross walk for UTA students and explore better street options
10-07 Communication Is Taught, not Practiced UTA explore ways to connect the lobby flat-screen TV to display student government and main campus information and events, and install more bulletin boards in common areas
10-01 So Many Doors but Only One Entrance During peak hours an alternatre entrance be opened in which students can gain access into the building
10-02 My Back Hurts! The Architecture Studios receives new tables and chairs with sturdy backs and cushioned seats in order to create a more comfortable and functional work enviornment for students
10-03 Can I Get My Money Back? The money for the printing quota either be redeemable at other locations on campus
10-04 In Need of Repair These two issues be repaired in order to make UTA look its best for the Life Science building
09-30 I Thought I Already Paid for That! Current students who are enrolled during the semester before the Summer sessions begin are allowed to access the MAC during the summer without incurring any additional charges or enrollment in any summer classes
09-31 Music is a Beautiful Thing The Connections Café receive either a new piano or be able to obtain one from the Fine Arts building
09-32 Can I live A space to be designated for private meditation.
09-33 Dying of Thirst The water pressure be fixed on these drinking fountains in order to provide adequate service for UTA students, a relatively easy fix to a current student concern.
09-26 There's No Room in the Inn looking over current policies for room turnover in the UC be looked at for better use by organizations.
09-27 Homework Help All 8 computers are equipped with this computer program (SPSS) in order to better facilitate student needs in the Psychology Department.
09-28 Lacking Resources These computer labs are equipped with the necessary supplies to aid in student studies while on campus
09-29 I May Have to Eat Out UTA provide appropritate awarness about vegetarian and vegan options
09-22 Some books are REALLY big and my arms are really little! That the library provide assitance such as a hand held basket or the recyclable bags that can be found in many places.
09-23 Kinesiology Students Need to Print Too A copier with Mav Express be placed in the MAC for all students to access
09-24 Privacy Please Male urinals should be removed from the newly converted women's restroom on the second floor restroom in the Life Science building.
09-25 Why are Students in The Cheap Seats? UTA students who pay for these facilities are given precedence in the future over non-UTA patrons.
09-21 I'm actually trying! Students be required to supply each professor at the beginning of the semester with the number of testing forms equal to that of the number of exams that will be administered throughout the course.
09-20 Mavs Go Green and know their jobs. The default settings for documents to be printed be changed to include optional printing of the cover sheet.
09-19 Mavs Go Green and Print in Duplex Default settings for documents to be printed be changed to print double sided.
09-15 Mavs Go Green and use Web 2.0 The Shorthorn no longer print and distribute paper editions on a regular basis and be more progressive by publishing online editions.
09-16 SENIORitis UTA supply 12 commencement ceremony tickets per graduating seniors to invite their family and friends.
09-17 Can I Live UTA provide an important room to meditate, reflect, and pray in a private and secluded space.
09-18 Pardon Our Progress UTA Administration establish and regularly maintain a website or "blog" detailing daily university construction and maintenance projects and any relevant anticipated closures.
09-13 Can I get a Ride? UTA Shuttle Bus System be redrawn to include available student housing off campus.
09-14 Hey Senator! I want to talk to you. An open student forum be held, at least once per semester, where students may voice their opinions and directly address student leaders.
09-A Enforce first, then Assess The current smoking policy is more stringently enforced before making any further restrictions to tobacco use on campus.
09-B Tier One UTA Student Congress strongly supports efforts by the Texas Legislature to encourage the development of additional Tier One Research institutions in Texas
09-C Mass Transit UTA Student Congress strongly supports efforts by the Texas Legislature to expedite the development of mass transit options in North Texas
09-D Tuition Flexibility UTA Student Congress supports and recognizess the need for individual institiutions to have flexibility in determining and settling tution rates and fees in a transparent and accountable manner.
09-E Textbooks UTA Student Congress supports efforts by the Texas Legislature to create a tax holiday during which textbook purchases are exempt from sales tax
09-11 Jamming, Jigging, and Swagging with UTA Radio The intercom system by open to UTA radio.
09-12 We Are Poor Student Organizations be allowed to pay for UC fees in structured installment plans based on the total amount of fees.
09-10 Tune-In and Change the Station The new televisions in the plaza run on cable through a cable station so that students, faculty, and staff can have a choice of a channel to watch.
09-05 Stop to be added to MavMover (Saturday) The MavMover Committee have student representation voicing these special dietary needs and an additional stop be added at a general international food market.
09-06 Where you at?! The Life Science building be given permanent signage indicating the location of the Science Education and Career Center, the Psychology Department office, the Biology Department office, office of the Dean of the College of Science, and all academic buildings that do not have permanent signage to indicate the locations of important offices by given proper signage.
09-07 Ich brauche mehr zeit, um zu essen. Connections Café extend the hours of operation on Saturday and Sunday to 10:30am to 1:30on and 5pm and 8pm.
09-08 El mercado necesita m's horas The Market be open on Saturdays from 11am to 3pm.
09-09 List textbook(s) in class registration A list of textbook(s) be listed in MyMav class enrollment/registration for each course.
09-01 We take classses all year long Students enrolled in Wintermester, Maymester, and summer terms be allotted for a specific amount of additional print quota to fulfill their needs for coursework.
09-02 Honors aren't just academic That the positions of Mr. and Ms. UTA and Student Congress President and Vice President are announced along with the term that was served during the elected official's commencement ceremony.
09-03 Where do I park? The parking lot to the east of Lipscomb south is made available for residents only.
09-04 Who turned out the lights? That an emergency call box is placed on the Ransom Hall building.
08-29 Can I Get a Shout Out! The Vice President of Student Congress be placed on the glass wall with the other elected large leaders.
08-30 We be Jamming and Learning The UTA radio be played in the UC over the intercom and the television play CNN or another news station to stay informed.
08-31 'Cu'ndo? 'Cu'ndo? 'Cu'ndo? The homepage of the Health Center include the Hours of Operation under the General Appointment Information section.
08-32 Can I get a light? The lighting on Nedderman Dr. between Forest Glen Apts and Greek Row be increased.
08-33 I need more power. More power outlets be installed in the first floor of the Central Library.
08-34 Central Location A designated location be reserved for the use of these students for Education students for organizations, volunteer opportuntiies, and career opportunities.
08-35 I pay tuition too, now give me that book! Upperclassmen use of library resources
08-25 I like warm food! A microwave be made available to students in the Central Library.
08-26 Shelfish!! A shelf be installed in every restroom stall on campus.
08-27 Mic testing... One... Two... Free!! UC Operations equipment be available to registered student organizations at no cost
08-28 Who is my senator? Student Congress Senator's name and UTA email address be displayed in department and advising offices for their respective school for each semester and updates as necessary.
08-24 Blue, white, we've got the might The UT Arlington face-lifts the painting of the walls within the UC on the main level in UTA's colors.
08-22 We Be Rollin That a curb cut be placed at the crosswalk in front of the MAC.
08-23 Need to Make Copies Too!!! Copiers be equipped to allow students to use their printing quota.
08-18 More Money, No Problems The limit be increased from $300 per day to $500 per day.
08-19 Grand Re-opening The graphics lab on the first floor of the Architecture Building be open from 8am to 12am.
08-20 Make Parking Easy Shuttles be implemented at those times from Lot 26 to the special event location.
08-21 Eliminate the meal plan requirement for KC and Arlington Residence Halls The meal plan requirement included with staying in either Arlington or KC should be removed to help provide some financial relief and all residence halls have fair requirements for living in the residence halls.
08-15 Driving green at UTA Members of the UT Arlington community with vehicles that are good for the enviornment have special parking permits and given discounted rates.
08-16 Need more time to research II The School of Architecture library match the central library times of closing on Friday and Saturday i.e 8PM.
08-17 We need more votes considering we got 25,000 + students! UTA get a computerized voting program for campus elections.
08-13 I need to be in color A color printer be installed in the science and engineering library
08-14 Plotting Allowance Architectural printing quota for junior and senior undergraduate and graduate students be increase from $100 per year to $400 per year.
08-12 In Our Memories UT Arlington have a memeorial service at the end of every spring semester to remember members of the UT Arlington community who have passed away during that academic year.
08-11 Parking Ticket Forgiveness Option Students are forgiven one parking violation during their college career and must be considered in good standing with the university at the time of the violation.
08-09 We're Winners Too! A trophy case be placed in the MAC top display club sports achievements
08-10 Need more Space The student J: drive be increased to at least 1 Gigabyte
08-08 Shhhh! Central library have a courtesy phone installed so that a librarian may be easily reached.
08-06 I might fall sick on Sunday?! Student Health Services have normal working hours during the weekend
08-07 Maverick Connection Telephone Directory Part II Student university email addresses be included in future editions of the Maverick Connection telephone directory.
08-05 We live in on campus apartments too! That Centennial Court Apartments be included in the shuttle route and be provided with a bus stop
08-04 Reflection Room At least one room of silence/reflection where students can pray or observe peace of mind without distraction in Nedderman Hall, Central Library, UC, and the Fine Arts Building.
08-02 Graph my function The Math department have more available hours for the computer lab and have the necessary Mathematica and SAS software installed
08-03 STOP ripping down our posters More enclosed bulletin boards and electronic bulletin boards be placed around campus and penalites be placed caugh ripping down posters
08-01 Bus Stop UTA adds one more bus stop between the Business Building and the Parking Garage.
07-33 Maverick Connection Telephone Directory Student's University email address be included with next year's telephone directory
07-34 I bought a new Mav ID, don't charge! The residence halls that fine their residents for checking out a tempororary card should not fine them
07-31 Saving Molly...... UTA make it a high priorty to fix the current drainage system
07-32 Need more time to research School of Architecture library match the Central Library time of closing on Friday and Saturday
07-28 UTA Blvd. Scares Me! Invest in more busses and be ADA compliant
07-29 Dude! I am Still Trying to Study Provide a quiet study computer lab on the second floor 24 hours a day
07-30 Get Out Da Way University and subcontracter vehicles not be allowed to park in access paths, main through fairs, or in front of curb cut outs
07-24 UTA Needs A Statue! UT Arlington erects a relevant life-sized outdoor statue of a distinueshed individual with ties to the university and the community
07-25 Color Printing Color printing fee to be lowered and if not, an increase in the yearly printing quota
07-26 Rolling, Rolling, Rolling Rosebud Theatre be motified with allow students with wheelchairs to safely attend events and be ADA compliant
07-27 My Chair Doesn't Fit! The bathroom stalls be modified with current ADA standards
07-18 Hand Sanitizer Hand sanitizer be placed in Ransom Hall first floor, Central Library 1st and 2nd floor, UC bathrooms by Bluebonnet Ballroom, and UC Bathrooms by the Plaza
07-19 ID Card Phone Numbers All UTA Student ID's have phone #'s such as emergency police number, non-emergency police number, campus secruity escort, and Health Center number
07-20 Mmmm......Peas Connections Café and the Plaza have a vegetariran friendly sticker next to dishes
07-21 Fountain Revamp Fountains outside UH and Old Planetarium be reburished to look more asthetically pleasing
07-22 Water Machines Numer of water slots in each vending machine by incease in all buildings
07-23 Upgraded Soda Machines Soda machines must have a clear front so that students don't waste time and money getting the wrong drinks
07-16 UTA Blvd. Crosswalk Safety Crosswalk at the intersection of UTA Blvd and Yates Street be equipped with warning lights when pedestrians walk across this crosswalk
07-17 Security for Lipscomb South Lipscomb South closets be eqipped with locks
07-15 Recognition of Our Student Leaders Student Leader to receive recognitition during gradation ceremony via cord/sash/medallion
07-13 I'm sorry but we don't offer a special order option (Part II) Every shirt and apparel style be availble for purchase in store and online anytime for Mavericks around the world
07-14 Need more study time, please... Extend the open times for the Central Library to be 24 hours the week prior to finals exams week
07-11 Laptops Have Printing Needs Too! Have the library incorporate wireless printing in addition to the electronic libaries
07-12 Wi-fi for all Provide hotspots throughout campus to provide true wireless campus
07-08 Online Book Exchange Create an online book exchange to be added to the UTA Website
07-09 I'm Sorry I Don't Have Access to a Fax Have a fax machine available in the Central Library or Ransom Hall
07-10 Dude! I am Trying to Study Have silent computer areas with a sign clearly stating it is a quiet floor in the Library.
07-01 Parking Appeals Website Putting a link for all parking citations and the appeal process for students.
07-02 Safety first and then cost UTA Heath Center to install an ultrasound machine for students.
07-03 Give me a break! Library to set aside laptops to students going to conferences and competitions.
07-04 Let me pray Provide a prayer room for the Muslim community.
07-05 $17 too much for my transcript Reduce transcript fees for other students.
07-07 I'm sorry but we don't offer a special order option Every shirt and apparel style be available for purchase in store and online anytime.
07-06 Registration at Orientation Voter Registration forms to include info packets to all freshman and transfer students at orientation.
06-29 Extreme Makeover at the School of Social Work renovate Social Work
06-27 Better safe than sorry medical amnesty policy in place in regards to alcohol consumption
06-28 Maymester and Wintermester Tuition Re-Adjustment paying for mini-mesters
06-20 Gimme Back My Money! simplifying language used with outstanding charges
06-21 Don't Go Breakin' My Heart AED's in residence halls
06-15 Don't Ask; Don't Tell students given access to exams as review after testing
06-16 Big Mama's Not Happy add Social Work to shuttle route
06-17 Addressing the Needs of Non-Traditional Students committee to seek out nontraditional student concerns
06-18 Promoting Unity at UTA strengthen ties with international students
06-19 Voting with Computers computerized voting system
06-11 Student Convocation FOR STUDENTS Mavs Meet led by students
06-12 More Students Involved at UTA involve nontraditional students on campus
06-13 Student Leaders' Voices Being Heard expand election coverage
06-14 Hit the road jack no vehicles on pedestrian ways during main hours
06-10 Maverick Country Mural University symbols surrounding Cooper
06-09 Innocent Until Proven Guilty: The Resurrection include PENDING status to fees
06-08 Class Ring of Honor committee to redesign class ring
06-07 I Can't Find a Scantron Scantron vending machines
06-06 A Car Almost Hit Me pedestrian walkway from Centennial Courts
06-05 Better TP for a Better UTA better toilet paper
06-03 Emergency! Student Voluntary Emergency Response System
06-04 Color, Color Everywhere color printers in Central Library and Ransom Hall
06-02 Raise the Bar University bar
06-01 Make a Copy Social Work building have a copier
05-42 Doodle 'til Dawn Architecture labs open 24 hours a day
05-39 So What's Happening Today? new bulletin boards
05-40 Pedestrian Friendly walkways, lighting, and shelters
05-41 Seniors Speak member of graduating class speak at Commencement
05-37 Down with the Sickness ability to make up work after emergency/illness
05-38 I Hate Doing Laundry Enough Already Mav Money for residence washers & dryers
05-35 Let's Do Lunch lunch plan for commuters
05-36 Buy in Bulk, Save $ parking prices
05-29 Give a Little Gift graduating classes give community gift
05-30 We Are Family "sibling's day"
05-31 What is This Class About Anyway access to syllabi
05-32 Dude, Where is my Professor? knowing Professors for classes
05-33 Nursing Lockdown no more locking doors of classes
05-34 Let the Sun Shine access to contracts
05-B UTA + Plus/Minus = Problem for Us SC against plus/minus grading system
05-22 Adding Insult to Injury reduce repercussions after accidents
05-23 I Love My Advisor retention plan for advisors
05-25 Shuttle Service shuttle information
05-26 Don't Mess with Lipscomb trashcans outside of Lipscomb
05-27 Give Us Our Nurses Notes removal of printing restrictions in DRC
05-28 Paper Please no restrictions to printing
05-24 Honorable Mention Honors College representation in SC
05-21 Arabian Nights at UTA Add Arabic classes and a Center for Middle Eastern Studies
05-A Supporting a Sales Tax Exemption on Textbooks for Higher Education tax exempt on textbooks
05-20 Handicapped Parking requirements for handicapped parking
05-19 No More Chips & Soda food establishments added to UH
05-17 The Terrible Ticket Taxes Mav Express fees
05-14 No Smokeless Tobacco no smokeless tobacco inside buildings
05-15 More M.O.A.R. M.O.A.R. required to help transition
05-18 Who's Calling University provided phones include caller ID
05-12 Classroom Packets free student access to course info
05-13 Less Required Books limit to required textbooks
05-02 Money, Money, Money, Money' Money! dining dollars valid through entire academic year
05-03 Sorry, I Have to Work Commencement scheduling
05-04 It's Me, I Swear! Allowance in Central Library after hours
05-05 You've Got Mail' If You Remember Post office fees and renewal
05-07 Have It Your Way required meal plans only for KC and Arlington Hall
05-08 Community Service or Else! Community Service instead of paying fees
05-09 Give Me an Appeal, or Give Me Death! statute of limitations on parking tickets
05-10 I'm Not Supposed to Pull Through? expands allowable dismissale of parking tickets
05-11 More UTA Swap departmental support for Mav Swap
05-06 All I've Got is Mav Money Ability to use Mav Money with the vending machines on campus.
05-01 Animal House Parking special Greek parking
05-16 We Need a Piano Grand Piano for UC
04-20 Keep It Close building of new sports complex
04-19 Police Citation and University Probation increasing the power of the UTA Police Department
04-18 UTA Mascot Change Change UTA handsign
04-17 What's That You Say? ASL count as Foreign Language credit
04-09 I Missed the Bus extending shuttle running time
04-10 A Parking Lot, by Any Other Name, Won't be as Hard to Find Rename parking lots
04-11 Can't Rush Perfection SC voting on fee increases
04-12 Show Me the Money tuition increase financial report
04-13 The Paint's Still Wet add UTA logo to Arlington water towers
04-14 Le Banderole de Proletariat Street banners
04-15 Meet the Parents implementing Parent's Day
04-16 When the Lights Go Out turn on parking lot lights
04-08 Richie's Road Recognition Resolution Renaming Cooper to recognize the university
04-05 Whoop the Logo contest for new Student Congress logo
04-04 Whoop Up a Sponsor Sponsorship for Program Assistance Fund
04-06 Getting Sick on Weekends? Health Center open on weekends
04-03 Variety is the Spice of Life allow off-campus food orders for organizations
04-01 Wake Up & Live! extend hours of library coffee shop
04-02 Give Me Your Lunch Money! one meal a day meal plan
03-31 Let Me Get My Food On! allow more than one food swipe at a time
04-07 Please, Raise Your Right Hand Pre-law advising
03-27 The Waiting is the Hardest Part Wait list for filled classes
03-28 Got Flat? flat rate tuition
03-29 Daddy I Don't Want Candy scantrons in vending machines
03-30 Let me Free! Discontinue departmental math exams
03-25 Light It Up conformation of security measures
03-26 It's Such a Long Walk Home extend Sam Maverick Ride services
03-23 We need better referees!! Referee training
03-24 Burning Down Tha House edit evacuation maps in UC
03-21 Welcome Week implement Welcome Week
03-19 Let's Go 'Mini MAV' keyring MavID
03-22 With an Increase in Students Comes a Change of the Signal protected left turn from Mitchell to West
03-17 The Congressional Communiqu' SC updates in Shorthorn column
03-18 I Want My Taco Bell! add Taco Bell to plaza
03-B Founder's Day set day for Founder's Day celebrations
03-16 Let's Do Something With The Open Space new chambers
03-20 The Early Resident Catches the Worm move into halls earlier
03-11 Opposition to Tuition Deregulation SC opposes tuition deregulation
03-12 A License for Pride update UTA license plate
03-13 Stop the Presses! stop distribution of paper schedules
03-14 Searching for Representation update wording of Regent's Rules
03-10 Ambassadors Represent! adding Ambassadors to the program
03-15 Texas Lottery On Campus lottery tickets sold on campus
03-09 Social Insecurity secure student SSN information
03-08 What's the 'Web Connection'? post signs
03-A In Recognition of President Witt recognizing President Witt's contribution
03-03 It's Not Easy Riding the Short Bus shuttles stops and schedules
03-04 Microwaves for the Colleges provide microwaves
03-05 Early Notification knowing early on of professor changes allowing students to adjust accordingly
03-06 An Informed Student is a Happy Student provide students access to course info
03-07 We Just Want to Lower Your Fees and Improve Parking reduced cost for remote parking
03-02 A 'D-aide-abase' for UTA two databases be established, one for those who need help and the other for those willing to help
03-01 Richie's Voting Resolution students only receiving one vote in each election race
02-26 More Policies Please Health Center accept other insurances
02-28 Distance Ed Courses distance ed courses also offered on camopus
02-27 Parking & Communication ' Two Very Important Things student input in parking space conversion
02-23 Turkey Break Wednesday off before Thanksgiving
02-24 We Want PickAProf! PickAProf services
02-25 Parking Pandemonium prior notification of closed lots
02-22 MA in Modern Languages Degree Modern Languages proposal
02-18 Internet For The Greeks ethernet for Greek Row
02-19 TA Evaluations additional evaluation for TAs
02-20 Getting the Whole Picture additional course evaluation for dropped courses
02-21 Quality Control survey for student groups
02-17 Dealing With Clogged Airways regulating wifi
02-15 Support of a Student Regent support for the student regent
02-12 Bowling, Billiards, and Beer Alcohol sales in Bowling & Billiards
02-13 A Few More Parking Spaces restore student parking in unused reserved spots
02-14 Plenty of Ping Pong ping pong in the UC
02-11 A Place of Their Own separate board for personal ads
02-10 It's a Fact... historical markers on campus
02-03 'How's it Hanging?' permanent way for hanging large banners
02-04 CC Involvement, Part Deux Parliamentarian keep track of senator CC involvement
02-05 Social Security Number Reform randomly generated ID number
02-06 Table of Contents Science Learning Center maintain a Table of Contents
02-06A Size Does Matter
02-07 Office of Admissions: Student Tour Guides & Orientation Leaders Student leader dress code
02-08 Do You Have the Time? install clocks in lecture halls
02-09 Suggestions? SC suggestion box
02-02 No If's, Ands, or Butts No smoking
02-01 Make Some Room larger bulletin boards in UC
01-17 Where is Quasimodo? adding a bell tower
01-16 Chemistry for Engineers Combined Chemistry course be available to Engineering majors
01-13 Walk This Way walkway at Pecan
01-14 You Can Bank On It banking options available on campus
01-15 Visitor Parking Centennial Style visitor parking
01-11 It's All About Timing Accurate clocks in buildings
01-12 Bookstore Requirements sufficient resources be available
01-10 Involvement of Senators in the CC meetings Senator attendance at CC
01-07 Biochemistry as Upper Division Biology Course Chemistry 4311 classification
01-08 Emergency Phones with Lights install security phone in lot 47
01-09 Location Map in the Life Science Building location maps in LS
01-09A Expanding the Purchasing Orders for UTA Organizations allowing bulk buying
01-05 English Writing Center Resolution Writing Center tech support
01-06 UTA Blue Light Special LED sign on bridge
01-04 Student Organization Requirement New organization memebership requirements
01-02 Traditional Diplomas redesigned diplomas
01-03 Spring Break same spring break as UT System
01-01 Check Please! Bursars' direct deposit
00-25 Day and Night Study Facility 24/7 study facility
00-26 Support for New Science Hall support building of Science Hall
00-21 Safer Parking sidewalk installed between parking lot and campus
00-22 Campus Maps to be Handicap Friendly handicap friendly maps
00-23 Let There Be Tax-free Textbooks for College Students concern voiced over higher taxes
00-24 www. Handicap Map Map listing handicap accommodations on website
00-20 Feed Me, Seymore!!!! commuter meal plans
00-18 Visitor Spots in the Greek Parking Lot Visitor Greek Row parking
00-17 Privacy on the Web security for online directory
00-19 Fax Me Up Scotty Fax Machine in Library
00-14 Make Anatomy Count Raising A&P to a junior level course
00-15 Handicap Accessibility accommodate for front row wheelchair accessability
00-16 Maternity Parking designated maternity parking
00-12 More Space, Please posting on buildings
00-11 Left-Handed Desks desk accommodations for left handed students
00-09 Loading Zone for the Brazos House Residents loading area for Brazos
00-10 UTA RoadRunners mile markers painted onto paths
00-08 Speed Bumps speed bumps on nedderman
00-07 Excused Absences for Graduate School Interviews excused absences
00-06 More Space for Student Organizations Storage for Organizations
00-01 Copy Machine in Fine Arts Liberal Arts Copy Machine
00-03 Handicap Consideration automatic doors for wheelchair access
00-05 Crosswalk Crosswalk to Centennial
00-04 Dedicated T1 Line(s) additional T1 lines
00-02 Vending Machine for Communications Students add vending machine
99-51 Additional Internet Accessed Computers more connected computers
99-49 Is There Really a Final Review Week? add a question to student survey
99-50 Recruitment and Ambassadors ambassador program for orientations
99-43 Let's Actually Name It 'Greek Row' name it greek row
99-46 UTA Apartments uta acquire apartments
99-48 Test Time allow students to hold tests for a peripod
99-47 New Picnic Tables for Geo Science new tables
99-45 Celebrate our Success!!! name parking lots after alumni
99-44 Academic Performance vs. Attendance Policy eliminate attendance requirement
99-40 Liberal Arts Foreign Language Required Courses allow cultural classes for last two FL classes
99-42 School Spirit, Please paint light poles
99-41 More Ambassadors more ambassadors
99-39 Bike Rack more bike racks
99-38 Give Education a Voice allow education senator
99-37 An End to Standardized Tests end departmental tests
99-36 Make It On Time! prevent double paperwork for student workers
99-35 Wet Sauna reopen wet sauna
99-34 Security for Social Security Numbers! non-ss option for id #
99-33 Project Pachl upset over pachl hall demolition
99-32 Needed: Pre-law Advisor hire full time advisor
99-31 A Year to Remember make yearbook
99-30 Stop Fee-ing Us to Death less fees
99-29 Needed Copy Center copy center
99-28 Establishing a Hockey Team hockey team
99-26 Immunizations Improvemeny required hep b shot
99-27 More Liberal Foreign Language Requirements last two classes pass/fail
99-25 Tax Free Textbooks letter to legislature
99-24 Parking As an Incentive parking in faculty lots
99-23 The Green House Effect more landscaping
99-22 Equal Absences for All more excused absences
99-21 Seniority Parking Rules upperclassmen priority parkings
99-20 Football establish a team
99-19 Pay by Card plaza accept credit cards
99-17 A Moment of Prayer religious service before meeting
99-11 More Room for Fliers More bulletin boards
99-16 Diaper Changing Stations changing stations in a couple bathrooms
99-15 A Later Aerobics Class, Please Later aerobics classes
99-14 Mav Identification Cards $2 cost
99-13 Fines Too High deffered adjudication for fines
99-12 Better Classes for Night Students More LA night classes
99-10 Ushers at Graduation Usher at graduation
99-09 Relaxing Between Classes New furniture in UH
99-08 Vending Bending More vending machines
99-07 More Liberal Liberal Arts Requirements Math and language requirements
99-06 President Hour President set aside an hour for students
99-05 Greek Row Parking open parking in Greek Row lot
99-04 Give Us a Break No New Material Before Finals
99-03 Can't Park in the Shade Shady Park Parking
99-02 A Little Fresh Air Regulating Smoking Areas
99-01 Hang 'Em High Large Banners in UC
98-34 Test Machines Vending machines strategically placed across campus
98-33 Randomize Our PIN Codes So We Can Modernize Our Elections Assign PIN codes to each student
99-18 A Big Hassle closer parking for SC exec
98-32 Mas Copiers y Telephones Por Favor More payphones on campus
98-31 Fall Break 3 day break before thanksgiving
98-30 Gun Control is a Steady Hand UTA open rifle range
98-29 Be There or Be Square Student Congress reps. attendance at CC meetings required
98-28 Poster Police Flyer/poster placement rules
98-XX Let's Thank Dr. Duke Recognize and thank Dr. Duke
98-27 Give Us a Sport of a Chance! Renovation of sports facilities
98-26 I Want an A - Not a TA TA's will be allowed to administer multiple choice exams only
98-25 Assigned Parking Centennial Court Apartments assigned parking
98-24 Understanding the Word Lab instructors should give oral exam
98-23 Too Far to Walk On campus students have a valid parking pass be allowed to use all student parking lots on campus
98-22 Internships The University charge a different rate for internships
98-21 Sorry, Can't Help You Lab should be installed with no specific procedures required
98-20 Time's Up! Professors end their classes at the specified time
98-19 A 'B' is Not Always a 'B' UTA introduce a grading system in whih a C+ wil earn 2.5 grade points and a B+ will earn 3.5 grade points
98-18 A Vote for All Minimum GPA and hour requirement to be president
98-17 Advisor? I don't have an Advisor! Each incoming student is assigned a permanent academic advisor
98-16 Keep it Sharp Have at least one working pencil sharpener for each classroom.
98-15 Keep it Regulated! Monitoring classroom temperatures
98-14 Give Ambassadors the Spot UTA Ambassadors receive one reserved parking spot in the Davis Hall parking lot.
98-13 How Does Congress Work? One member of the executive board of every CC be present at the general body meetings of the Student Congress
98-12 ATM's Ask Too Much UTA equip the existing ATM machine with $10 capabilities
98-11 Pampers, Not Politics UTA assist in the search for a suitable child-care provider
98-10 Early Childhood Education UTA offer an Early Childhood Development Certificaiton Program
98-09 The Longer You Stay, the Closer You Get UTA initiate a new parking system
98-08 Privacy for Number 2 Doors be aded to the stalls in the male bathrooms at Trimble hall
98-07 Set the Clocks The course Chemistry 1284 be split into two one hour courses
98-06 Split Labs The course Chemistry 1284 be split into two one hour courses
98-05 Cool Places to Meet New Faces UTA establish an on-campus casual "hang out"
98-04 Mind Your Own Number UTA prohibit the practice of utilizing SSN#'s as a means of establishing class attendance
98-03 Sold! To The Lowest Bidder SGO seek bids from other food vendors
98-02 Swipe the Plastic Credit cards be used in Starbucks Coffee House, The Plaza, and Paradise Cafe.
98-01 Organize Parking Implace parking high-rise or reduction of parking fees
97-15 Mav Mover Safe Ride Program Transport system of UTA students to local entertainment venues
97-14 Give Votes a Chance Add polling sites for elections
97-12 Executive Decision? Resolution may only be killed with 2/3 vote
97-11 Stay on Track Student Congress replace the Public Relations Committee
97-10 Make More Car Parking Available The elimination of 2/3 of the motorcycle parking space
97-09 S.O.A.R. Longer Able to use tutoring sessions purchased in future semesters
97-07 Where's the Syllabi? That the add/drop period be extended
97-06 UTA Should Take Part in NSE UTA become a member-school of the National Student Exchange
97-05 Sick and Tired of Hitting my Damned Nose on the Doors of the UC Fix the doors in the UC
97-04 Visitor Parking Near the UC The University place at least twenty visitor spots in close proximity
97-03 Helmet Safety All people biking, skating, or skateboarding must wear helmets
97-02 AFP Representation on Congress Student Congress creates 6 seats for representation of the AFP students on campus
97-XX Recognition of a Job Well Done Thanking the UTA police department
97-01 Student Visitation Rights No more visitation hours in residence halls
96-09 Student Organizations Take an Active Part in Recruitment UTA should help promote membership in organizations as invaluable to those seeking a complete college education
96-08 Crossing the Line of Safety A sidewalk be constructed that connects parking lot #52 to Mitchell Street
96-07 I Need More Lunch Money Eliminate Aramark to chanrge lower prices for meals
96-06 Who Gets the Honors? All credits no matter from where obtained should count in calculation for honors standing
96-05 Lend a Helping Hand UTA police should help aid in tasks like changing flats
97-13 Let Us Know All university policy changes that directly affect students be presented to SCÂ
96-04 Extend the Engineering Lab Hours Extend the Englineering lab hours to 2 AM
96-03 Let's Trade Books Put in place a book exchange program
97-08 Male Ambassadors a Must  Include a minimum of three male ambassadors
96-01 Let's Clean Up Our Act Soap dispensers be placed and maintained in all bathrooms
95-19 How Do I Become Chair? Student Congress committee assignments, chairs, and co-chairs be subject to approval by the executive committee
95-18 Ambassador Additions The UTA Ambassador program be increased from 12 to 14 Ambassadors
95-17 Associate Ambassador Program The Associate Ambassador Program be established in association with the UTA Ambassador Program
95-16 Let's Boost UTA A prematriculation immunization/immunity requirement is established to prevent the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases
95-15 Getting It Write The Shorthorn reserve one page in each edition of The Shorthorn exclusively for the coverage of events sponsored by student organizations
95-14 Simultaneous Shutdown UTA make access to services available to students throughout the Summer sessions, up until the Fall census date
95-13 Let's Thank Dr. Baker UTA change the name of the new science building to honor Dr. Baker
95-12 Posting Syllabi During Registration All university academic departments be required to post syllabi from each class offered prior to the beginning of advisement and registration
95-11 The Center for Mexican American Studies Must Be Supported by UTA UT Arlington should provide supplemental funding for the Center for Mexican American Studies
95-10 Gas Leaks UTA, in addition to fire and smoke detectors, place carbon monoxide detectors in all housing units which contain any gas or gas-related appliance
95-09 University Center's Hours Extension The University Center's hours for the Fall and Spring Semester be extended Monday through Thursday 7AM - 1AM and Sundays 1PM - 1AM.
95-08 Grade Point Average Uniformity Returning adult students
95-07 Condom Campus UTA, either itself or through contract with another party, place condom machines in each public bathroom
95-06 Transcript Debts Organizations have the power to include in the debtor's C.C.I.R. a letter of debt including (but not limited to) outstanding monetary obligations, length of involvement, and accumulated time of debt
95-05 Student Congress Briefs All resolutions must pass through Student Congress committees before reaching the Student Congress as a whole
95-04 The Business of the Environment All students within the College of Business be required to enroll in an introductory Environmental ScienceÂ
95-03 Require 3 Hours of Economics for All Majors Economics requirements for all majors be reduced
95-02 Maverick Misprints The University compile and distribute at the beginning of each spring semester a supplement to the Maverick Connection containing corrections of all misprinted information
95-01 Executive Forfeiture Members of the executive committee forfeit their positions as representatives
94-37 I Need More Time The deadline to submit a resolution be changed to Monday at 10 am before the general meeting
94-36 Wheelchair Basketball The Wheelchair Basketball team be exempt from the building use fee in Texas Hall
94-35 We Want a Real Dead Week The final week of classes is known as dead week
94-34 Dorm Dwellers Need to Park, Too! Students who live in dorms be allowed to park in all dorm lots
94-33 The Language Lab Needs to be Open More More priority will be given to the need for the language lab to be open more
94-32 Making Our Campus Safe There be at least one campus phone in every building on campus
94-31 Providing Parking to All Who Pay Student Congress and the parking office will continually enact new policies until all students can participate in the parking service they paid for
94-30 Marking Your Territory Each sign should be reversed in color so that the signs are white with blue lettering
94-29 Attach Names to the Parking Lots All sutdent lots will be officially named either for historical significance (ie: the South 40) or for a prominent alumni
94-28 'State of the University' Address The universtiy president and provost be invited to make a universtiy-wide progress report at the beginning of each fiscal year
94-27 Just Who Pays for These Buses Anyway? Busses may not be rented by atheletic department during high traffic times
94-26 Get Those Damn Cars Out of the Way The only vehicles that will be allowed to park in the area
94-25 Teacher-Student Matchup Keep teacher assignments updated on registration
94-24 Graduate Students Need Representation, Too! Representation for graduate students within congress
94-23 Students Should Have a Say Over 51% of students have to vote for a tuition increase before increased
94-22 Student Congress Executive Improvement Renaming executive board positions
94-21 Where the Sidewalk Ends Add a walkway behind West St to reduce traffic
94-20 Parking Appeals Fee The Parking Appeals Fee shall go solely to the parking lot maintenance fund, not to the general fund
94-19 Giving Credit Where Credit is Due Convert credits earned at other university to fit UTA classes
94-18 ARA Catering Discount for Student Organizations ARA Services should give a discount to student organizations that are registered with the Student Organizations Office
94-17 Tired of Not Understanding What They Are Saying Teaching evaluation forms should have, "Can you understand the speech of your instructor?" added to them.
94-16 Note the Tardies The Recording Secretary shall make note of tardiness on the attendance roster
94-15 Student Congress Training Session The first general session of the academic semester be used to provide a comprehensive and in-depth training program which includes all Student Congress members
94-14 Budget Hearing A Student Service Fee Hearing be held before money is allotted by the president of the University or the SSFAC suggests allotments
94-13 Student Congress Absences 3 maximum absences for senators (no excused/unexcused take effect)
94-12 Parking Appeals Amnesty New requirements for parking appeals committee
94-11 Changing Liberal Arts Language Requirements Students be allowed to take 2 different languages and have them count as all 4 language requirements
94-10 Crossing the Line Pave all UTA parking lots
94-09 Higher Quality of Research in Resolutions Further steps taken for research in resolutions
94-08 Student Kickbacks for Slow Service Food consumed in cafeteria line is free of charge
94-07 Congressional Punctuality Representatives will be considered tardy when the last representative on the roll has been called.
94-06 Keep the New Corral Dry The University of Texas at Arlington prohibit any University dining service from serving alcoholic beverages at dining facilities, with the exclusion of UTA-sponsored events.
94-05 Fall Break Add three off days in the fall semester near Thanksgiving
94-04 Change the Health Center Hours of Operation The change in operating hours for the Health Center to 9 AM to 6 PM on weedays and Saturday
94-03 Undergraduate Assembly Representative The Undergraduate Assemly be increased to 4 members including the VP and Treasurer of Student Congress
94-02 Innocent Until Proven Guilty The PENDING status for appealed parking tickets be added to the existing program structure
94-01 University Directory Option on SAM An option be included on the SAM telephone registration system for each Fall registration to ask the student if they would like their information to be published in the UTA phone directory
93-37 GPA Calculation After Retaking a Course Grade replacement should not work after 2 tries and any other retakes shall be averaged into the existing GPA
93-36 Let EXSA Courses Be Optional - Not Required Exercise and sport activity courses at the University of Texas at Arlington be optional and not a requirement for graduation
93-35 Shorthorn Recycling II The Student Congress shall reserve the surface area of recycling bins for advertisement for student organizations.
93-34 Coffee House at UTA To create a non-alcoholic lounge space where students can relax with entertainment
93-33 Experience Counts In order to run for SC President s/he must serve 2 semesters as a representative
93-32 Weekend Shopping Shuttle Service Public transportation system to help UTA students get to stores
93-31 Enrichment Hour No classes be held from noon to 1 PM
93-30 I Want My Plaza TV That UTA Today and other campus activities tapes be played periodically
93-29 So What Did You Make On Your Final Exam? Final exam scores will be mailed out with class grades at the end of the semester
93-28 The Students Need Lockers New lockers be available for students of UT Arlington
93-27 I'm Getting Cold Feet & Wet Socks That civil engineering professors and students give advice in the design and creation of these systems.
93-25 Access to Complete Course Evaluations The "Complete Course Evaluations" be published and distributed in a manner that is similar to the one used for class schedules
93-26 User Friendly UTA Larger, blue UTA letters be placed on the Cooper bridge
93-24 Move the Free Speech Area Moving the protest area to a different location
93-23 Improved Parking Permit Distribution System No parking citations to visitors
93-22 Welcome the Visitors to the University Center Reserve five "visitor parking" spots in the faculty/staff lot behind the UC
93-21 Open Up the Classes for the Students Drop-rate percentage of each class must be analyzed to determine how many extra students could be admitted into a class to foster goodwill between faculty and students
93-20 Flush the Restroom Lines Down the Toilet Convert the men's restroom on the first floor of the UH to a ladies' restroom to reduce lines
93-19 Alumni and Community Support for Science Building Build a new science hall named after a prominent person and start traditions for science students
93-18 Expressing Student Congress' Position Relative to State Senate Bill 177 SC opposes senate bill setting a limit on the number of hours students can take
93-17 We Need a Video Yearbook! Media Services should budget/develop/edit/market a year book video
93-16 Student Congress Awareness by Way of the Shorthorn SC President must be requirede to submit a montly address to the Shorthorn
93-15 UTA Trash Receptacle Beautification All trash receptacles must be blue and have the UTA logo somewhere on them
93-14 Equality in Parking Availability Reserved parking for student publications must be returned to general student population
93-13 Student Congress Parking SC members be allowed to park in the faculty lot east of the UC for meeting
93-12 Experience Counts In order to run for SC President s/he must serve 2 semesters as a representative
93-11 Mark, Document, or Rid UTA of Electromagnetic Fields Visibly identify areas of high electromagnetic field on campus so that studnets can avoid them
93-10 Social Work Constituency Council SC gives their support to the formation of the Social Work Constituency Council
93-09 UTA Total Quality Management System to Empower the Students "Student Choice Award" should start to award and empower students
93-08 Pride in the USA Pledge of Allegiance be said at every meeting
93-07 Summer Commencement Ceremony Full graduation ceremony for those graduating in the summer semester
93-06 Crosswalk at Border & Yates Pedestrian yield sign installed at the crosswalk
93-05 Paint Those Trash Cans The metal trash cans be painted every long semester
93-04 New Sidewalks in Front of the Library Grounds Turn paths in front of mail library into sidewalks
93-03 Shorthorn Recycling Place recylcing bins by Shorthorn stands
93-01 Let the Student Delegates Have a Voice! Student delegates get voting privileges
92-58 Late Lunch, Early Dinner Extend hours of the plaza
93-02 Voter Registration Voter registration be offered in History and Political Science classes
92-59 Weekend Post Office Open UTA Post Office on Saturdays
92-57 College Can Really Drag Out Student Congress show its support to the administration in adopting two three-week mini-terms.
92-56 Solidifying the Powerful Image of UTA Change all on campus things to read UTA instead of the full name
92-55 Violence Against Women Student Congress shall sponsor a table of Rape Awareness/Prevention in the U.C., during the first week of each fall
92-54 Student Congress GPA Raise GPA requirement for Student Congress members
92-53 Voter Registration Upon admittance to UTA, receive voter registration.
92-52 Admissions Upgrade Increase the academic relationship of UTA and the worth of degrees attained here
92-51 Let's Fill the Seats If a seat becomes vacant, next person with highest votes gets the position w/o an interview.
92-50 Student Employment Services ALL student employment opportunities must go through the UTA Student Employment Service office prior to being offered to UTA Students.
92-49 We Need New Dorms Give our support for better on-campus housing
92-48 Access to Deans, Chairmen, and Faculty Each college establish ONE meeting time per month in which the students can visit with the Dean
92-47 Multicultural Awareness Encourages other campus organizations to interact with other cultures as well as participate in cultural programs throughout the year.
92-46 I'm Old Enough, I'm Responsible Enough, and Doggone It, I Want a Beer Beer and wine be available for purchase at the University Center food court during lunch hours
92-45 Parking Amnesty The UTA P.D. shall declare a parking amnesty until the day following the last day of late registration
92-44 Let's Not Go Broke During Elections: This is Student Congress, Not the State Legislature Dollar limit for election campaigning
92-43 Keep Your Nose Clean During Elections Any candidate running for ANY Student Congress office, or any elected position, shall not Author or Sponsor any "honors" Legislation after filing for said office
92-42 Men's Volleyball Beginning a Men's Volleyball program
92-41 Timely Graduation Permission to enroll in a full class
92-40 Final Examination Equitability Exemption from finals
92-39 Multicultural Awareness Interact with other cultures
92-38 Let's Report Something on the Reporter! Formally recognize Toni Edwards at the next general meeting
92-37 Let's Actually Name the Street 'Greek Row' Change the name of the street Greek Row
92-36 Let's Speak Highly of the UTA Forensics Team! Student Congress formally recognize and "speak highly" of the UTA Forensics Team and recognize them for their outstanding efforts in representing UTA.
92-35 Let's Not Starve the Dorm Residents on Weekends Either! That ARA publicize the trial hours to the residents of Brazos Dorm and Lipscomb Hall to make the best use of this opportunity.
92-34 Recognition of The Association of Mexican American Students (AMAS) Student Congress formally recognize the AMAS officers, Committee Chairpersons, Co-chairpersons, and all the members of this organization.
92-33 Let's Not Starve the Dorm Residents! ARA publicize the extended trial hours to the residents of Brazos Dorm and Lipscomb Hall
92-32 Congratulations to the Marvelous Movin' Mavs Basketball Team Student Congress officially recognize these outstanding athletes for their contributions to UTA both on and off the court.
92-31 Elimination of Freshman Mid-Semester Grade Reports The sending out of Freshman Mid-semester Grade Reports in their first semester be discontinued immediately.
92-30 Support of Profitable UTA Campus Food & Beverage Facilities Wine and beer be available with food sales during lunch and dinner at campus food outlets.
92-29 Promoting Student Government and Community Government Interaction Changing SC meetings to Thursdays at 5 PM so it doesn't conflict with Arlington City Council meetings
92-28 Library Referendum Extend library hours
92-27 Student Organization Appropriations set up a system to appropriate student service fee funds to campus groups
92-26 Metro Telephones Maxiumum 5 minute on usage of public access phones
92-25 Didn't We Pay to Park Here? University not allowed to restrict student access to parking for non-students
92-24 Lack of Voting Potential If senator wishes to leave meeting, needs approval of executive board
92-23 Student Congress Philanthropy SC should hold philanthropic projects each semester for senators
92-22 ROTC Scholarship Brazos give dorm rooms back to College of Military Science
92-21 Student Congress Operating Rules Executive committee monitor the adherence of passed resolutions
92-20 Students Right to View Exams Students should be able to see their exams
92-19 Night Light on Campus Add brighter/more lights on campus
92-18 Dry Gulch Closing Utitlize the Dry Glutch area after closing
92-17 Open Forum Student Congress should hold a forum every semester
92-16 Parking Referendum Freshman use remote parking only before 3 PM
92-07 Late Night Finals Finals Scheduled According to Regular Meeting Time
92-15 Calculation of GPA May retake course upon receiving D or F
92-14 Issuing Tickets While Towing - OR - Tow, Tow, Tow Your Car University police not issue tickets when car towed
92-13 Resolution Clearing-House Summary of Resolution Statuses
92-12 Political Participation in the Community Propose Change in Congress Meeting Day
92-11 Extension of Library Hours Extended open hours of the library
92-10 Increasing the Value of the Liberal Arts Degree Liberal Arts substitute language classes with business classes
92-09 The All-New, All-Different Parking Resolution Price Reduction for Remote Parking
92-06 Actual Grade Point Percentages Grades Be Posted on Numerical Basis
92-05 Historical Preservation of Student Activities Historian Documents Print Dealing with University
92-08 Salute to the President Honoring President Nedderman
92-04 Religious Session at Leadership Conferences Leaderhip Conference Rids Itself of Religious Requirements
92-03 Alternative Parking Identification UTA use hang tags to identify vehicles
92-01 Insurance Requirement Insurance required for parking sticker
92-02 Parking Solution Freshman Park in Remote Parking to Solve Congestion
91-13 UT System Equivalency Charts Transfer equivalency charts become avaiable to all students Richie Grona
Randall Trent
91-26 Equal Education Lesbian/Gay class requirement
91-27 Lab Fee Requirement Lab fee removal
91-28 Vending Machine Prices Vending machine prices lowered
91-29 P.A.R.K. (Parking Ain't Really Kind) Contest Parking contest setup
91-30 Nursing School Honors Criteria Criteria of graduating from the College of Nursing with honors
91-31 Objections Regarding PUC Policy Not Allowing Metro Pay Phones Petition to not allow metro pay phones
91-32 A New Parking Solution Late registration remote parking
91-33 Civil Rights Day of Remembrance Establishing MLK Holiday
91-08 Teacher's Evaluations Teacher evaluations available to students Terri Talbert
Terri Talbert
91-23 National Conference on Student Services Setting budge ceiling for SGO travel budget
91-24 Minority/Majority Opinion Points of views kept in record
91-25 Freshman Parking Requirement Allocate specific parking for freshman
91-16 Add/Drop Days Extend add/drop period Academic Affairs Committee
Il Jang
91-21 Cultural Awareness Course Multi-cultural course requirement Richie Grona, Brian Chase, Frowsa Booker
Il Jang
91-22 Minority/Majority Opinion All points of views are presented
91-20 Politically Correct Speech Freedom of Speech Andrew Ternay
Il Jang, Terri Talbert, Tracey Cox
91-17 Metro Pay Telephones Reinstallation of pay phones in the UC and library Danny George
Tracey Cox, Terri Talbert
91-18 The Engineering Constituency Council Bylaws Changes to Engineering Constituency Council bylaws John Dubay, Chris Petrick, Steve Horstman
Linda Moffatt, Brian Chase
91-19 Hooter's Girls at Basketball Games Calls to end the use of Hooter's girls at basketball games Jennifer Cunningham
Linda Moffatt, Beth Jones
91-15 Student Congress Direct Contact with Student Population Senators physically reach out twice a month Unknown
91-07 Referendum on Spring Student Congress Ballot Question the vetoeing of condom vending machines on campus Mike Meagher
Richie Grona
91-09 Resolution Categories Distinguish internal and external legislation Brian Chase
Charles Martin
91-10 Limited Course Offerings List which semesters courses are taught Brian Chase
Marc Castleberry
91-11 Calculation of GPA GPA calculations upon retaking course Brian Chase
David Bass
91-12 Budget Cuts in Higher Education Condemn budget cuts Brian Chase
John Smith
91-14 Testing Option of skipping exam if have 3+ in one day Unknown
91-04 UTA Ambassador Program Changes in Ambassador Program Leslie Rives, Cody Rabb, Tony Ellis, Amy Peebles, Christy Conley
Jeff Cooper, Debra Patterson, Jeff Shepherd, Renee Stone, Amy Whittington
91-05 Project Green Advertise importance of sidewalk use Richie Grona
Derrick Kinney
91-06 Student Health Service Hours Extending Health Service Hours Community Affairs Committee
Mike Meagher, Scott Lobb, Randall Trent, Charles Martin, Danny George
91-02 Conference on Student Government Associations 1991 Set SGO travel budget COSGA Delegation
Tracey Cox, Jennifer Cunningham, Chris Durham, Beth Jones, Linda Moffatt
91-03 Change of Entrance Requirements Set minimum requirement for entering freshman SAT and ACT scores Randall Trent
Danny George
91-01 Support for Operation Desert Storm Personnel Support for troops in Operation Desert Storm Brian Chase, Chris Durham, Richie Grona, Linda Moffatt, Terri Talbert
Brian Chase, Chris Durham, Richie Grona, Linda Moffatt, Terri Talbert
06-22 Not the Work of Picasso recognition of School of Social Work
06-23 No Room for Injustice SC chambers be accommodating to all
06-24 Call Who/Where-N-Danger? (Call Boxes) emergency call boxes
06-25 Xtreme Makeover @ the SSW update Social Work buildings
06-26 You want me to sit on that? update Social Work accommodations to that of a University classroom
12-15 Pick Me Up! UTA explore means of providing transportation from Center Port location to the university including the City of Arlington and TRE in these discussions.
18-14 877-CASH NOW
19-04 Tell-her I Hardly See Her
19-06 Who Cut the Cheese?
21-01 Out Of Space
22-07 “UTA Smart Hospital-ity” This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington offer accelerated online students two designated tours of the Smart Hospital in an academic semester.
21-11 Get Your Foot in the Door
21-12 No More Need For Gasoline
22-06 Making UTA a Community that Cares about Black Achievement
22-09 Make Tuition Fees-able