Resolution 17-23: SECUR-TY, SECUR-TY!

Number 17-23
Description Having surveillance cameras in parking lots.
Authored by Rakin Haque
Sponsored by Daniela Garcia
Alexandra Koke
Nathan Hoelscher
Roman Vasquez
Date Submitted Friday, September 15, 2017
Date Considered Tuesday, December 5, 2017
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks The Student Senate concurred that this resolution would be beneficial to the UTA community as it supports the effort that the Police Department purchase security equipment, especially camera trailers in parking lots.
Whereas 85% of students that attend UTA are considered “Off-campus mavericks” or commuters, meaning 85% of UTA students use parking lots such as Lot 49, Lot 50 or Lot 53; and
Whereas Some parking lots are near high traffic areas while others like Lot 50 or Lot 53 are very distant from campus. These distant parking lots can sometimes be unsafe during low traffic times or during the night when students are leaving campus to go home; and
Whereas Although, UTA has one watch tower and police patrols, these measures are not enough to protect the safety of its students as evidenced by many armed robberies like the two sequential robberies in September 2015.
Whereas : UTA police has taken action towards addressing these concerns by purchasing a portable camera trailer, requesting additional camera trailers and exploring additional security measures for campus surveillance.
Be It Further Resolved That UTA Student Senate supports UTA police purchasing additional security equipment.