Number 96-09
Description UTA should help promote membership in organizations as invaluable to those seeking a complete college education
Authored by TJ Barber
Sponsored by Angela Orr
Junior Garza
Amy Jeffreys
Jayson Byrd
Jeff Boggs
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 12, 1996
Date Considered Thursday, January 1, 1970
General Body Vote Tuesday, April 23, 1996
Committee Student Affairs
Result Implemented
Whereas Membership in student organizations is crucial to retention; and
Whereas Many students are unaware of the size, goals, or benefits of UTA's organizations; and
Whereas Student organizations are a valuable asset to UTA as a whole; and
Whereas UTA should help promote membership in organizations as invaluable to those seeking a complete college education; and
Whereas Student organizations should be advertised as a positive contributor to student life here at UTA by the administration.
Be It Further Resolved That The UTA Admissions Office include a section on all applications for admission to UTA that asks a question similar to "Would you like to receive information on: Fraternities/Sororities at UTA, ROTC, International/cultural organizations, other organizations"
Be It Further Resolved That That the names of all applicants that mark 'yes' to such a question on their application be given to the Greek Advisor for fraternities and sororities, the Department of Military Science for ROTC, the Center for Multicultural Cooperation and the International Office for international/cultural organizations, and the Student Governance and Organizations department for all other organizations.
Be It Further Resolved That This resolution takes effect immediately.