Resolution 16-26: CARRY ME HOME TONIGHT

Number 16-26
Description Extend Mav Escort Services Vehicles and Hours
Authored by Himanshu Rapur
Sponsored by Stephen Sissons
Kashif Merchant
Sarah Ballinger
Emily Panella
Halie Rion
Date Submitted Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Committee killed this resolution because they found out that Parking and Transportation Services had already implemented much of what this resolution is asking for by extending the Mav Courtesy Escort hours. They further found out that PATS is looking to hire more staff and buy more vehicles depending on the demand of their services.
Whereas UTA is on its way forward to become the largest campus in the UT system. Enrollment of students has increased considerably this Fall-2016 semester; and
Whereas With a larger student population on campus, adequate resources for the students need to be provided; and
Whereas The Mavs Courtesy Escort service, which currently serves the student body from 7:00 PM to 1:00 AM, is very helpful for the students who leave the library during those times; and
Whereas With the Central library timings (24 hours- Sunday until Sat) and the two smaller libraries' timings (Engineering & Architecture- until 2:00 AM) being extended, the Mavs Courtesy Escort service, unfortunately still serve until only 1:00 AM; and
Whereas In addition to the time limit the Escort service limits itself to, with the student body increasing in size, the number of Escort vehicles are limited only to two. This causes a great delay (over 40 mins-1 hours on average) for a student to get back to their place of residence; and
Whereas This lets many of the students to forgo the option of using the escort service which may expose them to situations which may be deemed unsafe, either in remote parking lots or other places.
Be It Further Resolved That Mavs Courtesy Escort extend their service hours and their existing count of escort vehicles to cater to UTA's student body.