Resolution 09-06: WHERE YOU AT?!

Number 09-06
Description The Life Science building be given permanent signage indicating the location of the Science Education and Career Center, the Psychology Department office, the Biology Department office, office of the Dean of the College of Science, and all academic buildings that do not have permanent signage to indicate the locations of important offices by given proper signage.
Authored by Marcia Martinez
Sponsored by Kachi Amajor
Laina Bridges
Date Submitted Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Date Considered Tuesday, April 21, 2009
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas Many buildings on campus such as University Hall, Trimble Hall, Preston Hall, Hammond Hall, and other important academic buildings have permanent signage indicating the location of department offices, Dean's offices, and other information for students; and
Whereas Prospective students, new students, and visitors to the campus are not familiar with the locations of specific academic offices on campus; and
Whereas The Life Science building does not have permanent signage indicating the location of department offices and other important information.
Be It Further Resolved That The Life Science building be given permanent signage indicating the location of the Science Education and Career Center, the Psychology Department office, the Biology Department office, and the office of the Dean of the College of Science; and
Be It Further Resolved That All academic buildings that do not currently have permanent signage to indicate the locations of important offices be given proper signage.