Resolution 16-24: FORGET ME NOT

Number 16-24
Description Establish reasonable Alumni parking rates
Authored by Robert Howell-Jennings
Sponsored by Julianne Kirby
Niveen Joulani
Date Submitted Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks The committee felt that this is not the right time to establish lower Alumni parking rates. The university is already going through many building projects that limit faculty/staff and student parking. Implementing this resolution might result in more inflow of vehicles and fewer parking spaces.
Whereas UTA has over 250,000 Alumni and most of them live in North Texas; and
Whereas UTA administration has often expressed the importance of connecting with our Alumni, inviting them to our events and engaging them in other UTA based activities; and
Whereas Some Alumni are often interested in visiting UTA for events like Maverick Speaker Series, Athletic games, Homecoming Week or Spirit Week and also want to use facilities such as the MAC and intramural fields; and
Whereas Many times, they are unable to or choose not to visit the campus because of astronomically high visitor parking rates (that are, $7.50/Day, $30/Week, $60/Month, $720/Year);and
Whereas This hurts the attendance at UTA events and disconnects UTA with its Alumni.
Be It Further Resolved That UTA Parking office finds a way to establish Alumni Parking rates that are reasonable and that encourages Alumni to visit the campus more often.