Number 93-18
Description SC opposes senate bill setting a limit on the number of hours students can take
Authored by Glen Oliver
Derrick Kinney
Sponsored by Executive Committee
Committee Chairmen
Date Submitted Tuesday, April 20, 1993
Date Considered Tuesday, April 20, 1993
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Other
Result n/a
Whereas This bill will hurt older, returning students to complete or retrain for thier degree; and
Whereas This would severly limit additional classes taken by employees which can often lead to advancement and therefore generate more revenue for the state; and
Whereas As many students, after recieving their degree in a technical field, often return for retraining and refresher courses; and
Whereas The set number of hours limits the options of all students; and
Whereas The bill makes no provision for changing a major, and the bill does not take into account that often a much greater number of hours is required for many students to gain their degree than listed in catalog degree plans; and
Whereas The stereotyped "slacker" that this bill claims to be directed at does not, in fact, apply to the students that this bill would hurt.
Be It Further Resolved That It is the opinion of the Student Congress, being the official representative body of the UTA students, that State Senate Bill 177 would be detrimental to the well-being of the university and its students by limiting funding recieved by the university, the options of its students, and the educational opportunities for all state redsidents; and
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress offically opposes the passage of State Senate Bill 177 in the interests of the University and the community it serves.