Resolution 16-13: GET ON MY LEVEL

Number 16-13
Description Providing accommodations at connection cafe for those who require it
Authored by Lucija Tacer
Sponsored by Tammy Huynh
Date Submitted Monday, February 22, 2016
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Committee decided to kill this resolution after Chartwells agreed to provide accommodations through 3 different ways. Charwells decided to market their texting application which helps people get assistance from Connection Cafe staff. They also created separate hydration stations that are lower than fountain drink counters to accommodate those in wheelchairs. Furthermore, Charwells decided to designate separate tables with handicap stickers/signs.
Whereas UTA has a large population of students with disabilities; and
Whereas The self-serve counters in the Connection Cafe are not accessible for students using wheelchairs because they are too high for them to reach; and
Whereas These students cannot independently access the amenities they paid for.
Be It Further Resolved That The connection café provide wheel chair accessible dining accommodations for wheel chair and power chair users