Number 13-13
Description UTA should develop a plan for implementing sustainable green landscaping throughout existing buildings and university property
Authored by William Addington
Sponsored by Sarpreet Singh
Date Submitted Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas UT Arlington has made a firm commitment to going green and reducing overall costs through its Campus Sustainability Program
Whereas UT Arlington has committed to ensuring that all new buildings include natural landscaping that requires minimal watering and maintenance work in order to reduce costs and mitigate UT Arlington's negative impact on the environment.
Whereas UT Arlington will continue for the foreseeable future to operate more older buildings that as this time have non-sustainable un-natural landscaping which continues to waste valuable university budget on expensive watering and regular maintenance by university staff.
Whereas The UT Arlington Master Plan of 2005-2020 recommends that 'the campus [respect] and [be] informed by the natural regional systems in the use of native plant materials, climate responsive outdoor spaces, and good stewardship of water'
Be It Further Resolved That UT Arlington should develop a plan for implementing sustainable green landscaping throughout existing buildings and university property in order to spread the same environmental and cost savings across existing university infrastructure