Resolution 22-20: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYC-HALL

Number 22-20
Description This resolution asks that The University of Texas at Arlington limit single-use plastic or other environmentally unsustainable dishes both for serving food and for students to use to eat by using reusable, compostable, or environmentally sustainable tableware.
Authored by Gunnika Kapoor
Sponsored by Gunnika Kapoor
Date Submitted Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Date Considered Tuesday, November 29, 2022
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Community Affairs
Result Passed By Legislative Branch
Whereas Plastic items can take several to hundreds of years to decompose, depending on the type of plastic used; and
Whereas UTA is already taking steps towards being sustainable by using reusable dishes and silverware in dining halls; and
Whereas The dining halls have the means to provide reusable options;
Be It Further Resolved That The University of Texas at Arlington limit single-use plastic or other environmentally unsustainable dishes both for serving food and for students to use to eat at Connections Cafe and the Commons (e.g. dishes used to serve yogurt, fruits, and desserts.)
Be It Further Resolved That The dining halls instead use reusable, compostable, or environmentally sustainable tableware, either those that they already have, or purchase more to this end such as through more Ozzi products (e.g., cups, bowls, etc.) in addition to the existing Ozzi boxes.