Resolution 13-24: SAVE MY GPA

Number 13-24
Description MyMav be equipped with a feature that enables students to print copies of their unofficial transcript along with another feature that would allow students to save a copy of their unofficial transcript as a file on their computer.
Authored by Hasan Sumdani
Sponsored by Davis Hoang
Jessica Hong
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Students should be able to purchase PDF transcripts in the near future (Summer '14). Working towards MyMav solution
Whereas Ambitious students often apply for scholarships, internships, jobs, and other academic or professional opportunities,
Whereas Unofficial transcripts are often accepted in applications, avoiding the issue of paying, waiting, and gathering an official transcript,
Whereas MyMav currently does not have a convenient feature that allows students to print off an unofficial transcript.
Whereas MyMav currently does not have a convenient feature that allows students to save their unofficial transcript as a file, which is useful for online applications,
Be It Further Resolved That MyMav be equipped with a feature that enables students to print copies of their unofficial transcript along with another feature that would allow students to save a copy of their unofficial transcript as a file on their computer.