Resolution 17-18: IS THAT YOUR FINAL ANSWER?

Number 17-18
Description Extending the student survey period until week afters finals.
Authored by Roman Vasquez
Sponsored by Stephen Sissons
Amelia Jackson
Daniela Chavez
Frances Lewis
Date Submitted Monday, September 11, 2017
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks The Student Senate felt that this resolution will greatly benefit the student body and can benefit academic departments. Extending the survey period will allow time for students to evaluate the course in total, which includes the final exam. Concerns about whether students would base their evaluation on their final grade, however, it should be noted that final grades are not posted until the week after final exams have been concluded, and the Student Senate is asking that the evaluation closes before grades are posted.
Whereas Each semester, students are asked to complete “Student Feedback Surveys” to evaluate the course in which they were enrolled; and
Whereas The information provided in these surveys is meant to provide instructors potential recommendations on how to improve the courses for the future; and
Whereas The deadline to complete these surveys is prior to final exam week, which is a very hectic time for students as they prepare for their exams; and
Whereas The current deadline does not allow students the opportunity to provide feedback on the entire course, including the final.
Be It Further Resolved That The student survey period be extended to 1159PM the last day of final exams for that semester This way students can provide feedback on the course in its entirety without being influenced by their final grade.