Resolution 13-23: THIS WAS NOT THE TEST

Number 13-23
Description Departmental finals be abandoned in favor of final examinations that are written solely by the instructor of the course.
Authored by Hasan Sumdani
Sponsored by Davis Hoang
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks Research shows that departmental finals ensure that all students and professors are responsible for learning and teaching the same information.
Whereas Students learn from one specific instructor throughout the semester.
Whereas Instructors have their own teaching styles, methods, and priorities such that they may omit certain topics or teach additional topics in comparison to the published course description,
Whereas Students become accustomed to their teacher's style, methods, and priorities,
Whereas Students should not be held responsible to know material that is not taught by their instructor even if it is taught by another instructor.
Whereas There is no way to guarantee that with the existence of departmental finals and the way that they are written and administered,
Be It Further Resolved That Departmental finals be abandoned in favor of final examinations that are written solely by the instructor of the course.