Resolution 14-04: ARA MARKDOWN

Number 14-04
Description We recommend that ARAMARK, UT Arlington's dining services provider, reset their continental and mid-day dining prices to reflect the reduction of food options.
Authored by Patrick Kelly
Sponsored by Tung Nguyen
Hussain Mucklai
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks IMPLEMENTED: Starting January 17th, prices will be adjusted during non-peak hours. Also, directly led to the creation of the Food Services Task Force.
Whereas The Connections Cafe is one of the primary eateries for UTA students, faculty, and staff with five dining times: breakfast, continental, lunch, mid-day meals and dinner.
Whereas Meals during intersession periods, such as the continental and mid-day periods are the same price as the primary dining periods of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Whereas Students are currently paying the full price of a primary dining period during these non-peak hour.
Whereas Students are not receiving the full array of dining options during continental and mid-day prices but are still paying the same price.
Be It Further Resolved That We recommend that ARAMARK, UT Arlington's dining services provider, reset their continental and mid-day dining prices to reflect the reduction of food options.