Number 98-05
Description UTA establish an on-campus casual "hang out"
Authored by Meredith Hebenstriet
Sponsored by Stefanie Wagner
Dave Mathewson
Michael Vega
Arturo Elizondo
Sametria Ewunes
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 14, 1997
Date Considered Tuesday, November 10, 1998
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Rules and Appropriations
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - President Witt said in a memo dated February 5, 2001 that he does not approve of the resolution.
Whereas There is not a place on campus where students can go to relax in a social atmosphere where they will not feel restrained from talking and socializing; and
Whereas There is no music at any of the dining establishments or lounges on campus; and
Whereas Every other UT system campus has a bar or hang out place where students can socialize; and
Whereas The back area behind the plaza has a TV but still lacks music or comfortable chairs, is not used by many students, and could be a great location for a student bar or lounge area; and
Whereas An on-campus bar would encourage campus participation and increaded involvement in on-campus activities.
Be It Further Resolved That UTA establish an on-campus casual "hang out" to include the service of alcohol and non-alcoholic beverages, comfortable seating, and music.