Resolution 98-XX: LET'S THANK DR. DUKE

Number 98-XX
Description Recognize and thank Dr. Duke
Authored by TJ Barber
Sponsored by SC Exec Committee
Date Submitted Tuesday, December 2, 1997
Date Considered Thursday, January 1, 1970
General Body Vote Tuesday, December 2, 1997
Committee Other
Result Implemented
Whereas Dr. B. Wayne Duke has served UTA for 26 and 1/2 years; and
Whereas He has proven himself as a caring, and extremely competent, VP of Student Affairs; and
Whereas His service to UTA and his community has impacted the lives of countless Mavericks over his career at UTA; and
Whereas As a direct result of his efforts in the field of student leadership development, UTA currently stands in the forefront of said programs in the world; and
Whereas His abilities as a leader, boss, role model, and friend were illustrated in the recent SACS Reaffirmation Committee's awarding of a special commendation to the Student Affairs Division.
Be It Further Resolved That UTA's Student Congress expresses their gratitude and officially recognize Dr. B. Wayne Duke for his meritorious service to the students of this university for the past 26 and 1/2 years.
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