Number 08-17
Description UTA get a computerized voting program for campus elections.
Authored by Mikhail Sookoor
Sponsored by Jorge Trevino
Date Submitted Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks A computerized voting system located around campus brings forward issues regarding privacy, security (voter fraud), additional staffing and budget needs. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the voter to vote in the proper polling location.
Whereas The percentage of students on campus who voted last semester was less than 10% (about 2600) of the student population; and
Whereas Currently there is only one location for the whole student body to vote in which every thing is done by hand and slows down the election process; and
Whereas Students with majors situated further away from the UC like Architecture and Fine Arts have a lesser voter turnout due to the inconvenience created in order to walk to the UC; and
Whereas Many universities including UT Austin and Vanderbilt have a successful computerized voting system; and
Whereas Computers with the voting programs can easily be situated across campus, improving student voter turnout, and
Whereas Increasing the area for voting into buildings teaching their respective disciplines will create awareness amongst students of their senator(s) and Student Congress.
Be It Further Resolved That UTA get a computerized voting program situated around the campus including the Architecture Building while still retaining the polling booths at the UC; and
Be It Further Resolved That The program could be carried with the help of UT Arlington's excellent Computer Science students. This way cost can be kept to a minimum.