Resolution 12-02: MEMORY LANE

Number 12-02
Description UTA bring back the yearbook for a test run of at least one year, so that financial data can be collected.
Authored by Brian Ravkind
Sponsored by Jocelyn Cornelio
Jacob Becker
Date Submitted Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas In 1982, the UTA yearbook, which previously had been a sacred and long standing tradition of our university, was discontinued due to lack of demand and financial losses;
Whereas Since then, many campus organizations have voiced interest in reviving the yearbook and even more have voiced interest in buying one;
Whereas A yearbook is a powerful tool for creating a strong student body and is of particular value to alumni who wish for a tangible way to revisit their college days;
Whereas A similar resolution to this one was written in 1999, only to be killed due to lack of proof that the financial situation had changed from 1982;
Whereas This argument is not valid because statistical data cannot exist without a proper test;
Whereas 12 years have passed since the time the resolution was initially proposed.
Be It Further Resolved That UTA bring back the yearbook for a test run of at least one year, so that financial data can be collected. If at the end of that year the sales numbers turn out be underwhelming, then UTA has full right to discontinue the yearbook once again.