Resolution 15-19: PERMIT ME, IF I MAY

Number 15-19
Description Creating monthly, by semester and yearly options for MavPark.
Authored by Pooja Mallipaddi
Sponsored by Jorge Garcia
Date Submitted Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Committee Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks President Karbhari said this concern has already been addressed and a range of options will be available starting Fall 2016
Whereas UTA MAVPARK system only offers annual parking permits and does not currently offer monthly or other short term parking permits; and
Whereas Students who need to park on campus for a short-term (5 months or less) are left with no choice but to purchase an annual parking permit; and
Whereas Students who will be graduating or transferring to another university during the middle of the year and those who do not have cars for the whole year have no other option than to purchase an annual parking permit; and
Whereas This leaves students having to pay the price associated with an annual permit as their only option when they may not have the need for such a permit or the funds to purchase it. That the UTA MAVPARK system seek the means to expand the number of permit options available to students with flexible time frames and the correctly associated cost.
Be It Further Resolved That That the UTA MAVPARK system seek the means to expand the number of permit options available (i.e. monthly, per semester, academic year, annual year) to students with flexible time frames and the correctly associated cost.