Number 13-15
Description UT Arlington should research and possibly implement through its Campus Sustainability initiative greener surface parking lot designs to implement as new or old surface parking lots are resurfaced or built to meet campus parking demands
Authored by William Addington
Sponsored by Hasan Sumdani
Date Submitted Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Date Considered Tuesday, October 8, 2013
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas UT Arlington has a sizable amount of surface parking lots which are damaging to our environment and the overall appeal to campus life.
Whereas The 2005-2020 Campus Masterplan suggests improving parking by moving most of all campus parking into vertical garages which can cost prohibitive to construct.
Whereas Until more funding can be found to build those needed parking garages the University is likely to need to re-pour or rebuild existing surface parking lots.
Whereas UT Arlington could implement a number of greener sustainable surface parking lot designs in the meantime to mitigate the overall negative environmental impact that surface parking lots cause on our water quality and the overall surface parking lot appearance to campus.
Whereas UT Arlington could implement a number of greener surface parking lot designs recommended by the EPA Green Parking Lot Guide such as porous pavement, alternative pavers, Swales, bio-retention areas, rain gardens, vegetated filter strips, riparian buffers, dry detention basins, wet retention basins, infiltration systems, and constructed wetlands to improve overall water quality and flooding of the local storm system.
Be It Further Resolved That UT Arlington should research and possibly implement through its Campus Sustainability initiative greener surface parking lot designs to implement as new or old surface parking lots are resurfaced or built to meet campus parking demands in order to improve our commitment to sustainability by improving water quality and our commitment to improving the overall appearance of our parking infrastructure on University property.