Resolution 14-06: FINANCIAL SHADE

Number 14-06
Description The University should re-examine their financial aid policies and disbursement dates for students who take summer classes to meet requirements
Authored by James Ruedlinger Jr.
Sponsored by William Addington
Ellie Langroodi
Date Submitted Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Date Considered Tuesday, November 25, 2014
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas Some academic scholarships require 30 hours per full academic year to continue receiving the scholarship; and
Whereas Summer hours can count towards the 30 hour requirement but they make you ineligible to receive scholarship money on disbursement date; and
Whereas Students must pay the full amount of tuition without any financial aid and wait for a refund of scholarship at a later date
Be It Further Resolved That The University should re-examine the financial aid policy and look at allowing students on scholarship, who take summer hours to complete their requirement, the ability to receive their financial aid on disbursement date.