Number 94-27
Description Busses may not be rented by atheletic department during high traffic times
Authored by UTA Shuttlebus Passengers
Sponsored by Matt Russell
David Worch
TJ Barber
Date Submitted Tuesday, October 11, 1994
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Other
Result n/a
Remarks FAILED - University President Witt said in a memo dated October 29, 1996, that "schedule changes are primarily due to mechanical problems with the buses or driver illness, and these cannot be anticipated in advance."
Whereas UTA students fund the shuttlebus service through parking fees and traffic ticket revenues; and
Whereas The Unviersity Administration frequently and without warning pulls shuttlebuses off line to supply shuttle services to visiting conventions, VIP outings, and UTA athletic events; and
Whereas Shuttlebus passengers often have schedules ruined because of this.
Be It Further Resolved That During the high-traffic hours of 7:30 am to 1:30 pm during the long semesters, all shuttlebuses shall stay on their designated routes, and the administration shall cease and desist from pulling the buses off line for their own purposes; and
Be It Further Resolved That Should the Administration or the Athletic Department require a large capacity vehicle during this time period, they can rent or lease what is required. Funding can be provided through a slight increase in reservation fees, or in the case of athletics, 15 passenger vans can be used for most trips; and
Be It Further Resolved That Entertaining VIPs, while necessary at times, is still not a valid excuse for depriving students of a service they have paid for; and
Be It Further Resolved That There shall be no administrative whining about this resolution.