Resolution 12-01: HELP US HELP OURSELVES

Number 12-01
Description Student Congress be allotted a resolution budget for the purpose of carrying out certain resolutions independently as situations deem appropriate.
Authored by Bryan Ravkind
Sponsored by Jocelyn Cornelio, Jacob Becker
Date Submitted Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Student Affairs
Result n/a
Whereas In the past, once resolutions have gone through the proper student legislative process, they go on to hands of the upper administration where they have final say on whether or not the resolution is carried out;
Whereas This system has worked very well in the past, but the process often takes a great deal of time, and in some instances, resolutions require more immediate action;
Whereas This delay is of no fault of the administration, as they are constantly busied with the task of running our proud university;
Whereas Student Congress would prove capable of carrying out resolutions of this nature if they had the funds to do so;
Whereas Giving Student Congress a budget to carry out resolutions would serve to strengthen Student Congress in the eyes of the student community and could potentially yield a boost in visibility and public interest.
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress be allotted a resolution budget for the purpose of carrying out certain resolutions independently as situations deem appropriate.