Number 92-13
Description Summary of Resolution Statuses
Authored by Chris Durham
Sponsored by Linda Moffatt
Date Submitted Tuesday, March 24, 1992
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Rules and Appropriations
Result n/a
Whereas Resolutions dealing with Student Congress procedures exist that are unused or are in conflict with current procedure; and
Whereas The recision of these resolutions could avoid future confusion.
Be It Further Resolved That Student Congress hereby recinds all resolutions relatinmg to internal procedure prior to 1983; and
Be It Further Resolved That The following resolutions be hereby rescinded: 83-24: WEEKLY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Resolved that student congress committees meet weekly and that on days where general sessions are held, committee meetings last 15 minutes and the general sessions meets at 6:15; 83-59: ELECTIONS Resolved that: Student congress provide extra garbage cans to put handbills in during elections; 85-24: COMMITTEE RESOLUTION FOLLOW-UP Resolved that: Each committee review the progress of resolutions passed on to the administration that originated from their committee and report the results to the Executive Committee; 85-33: DISPLAY BOXES Resolved that: Permanent display boxes on Student Congress be maintained in each school or college; 85-34: SUGGESTION BOXES Resolved that: Student Congress maintain suggestions boxes in each school or college and the University Center; 86-18: STUDENT CONGRESS Q/A CATALOG BOOKS Resolved that: student congress and constituency councils maintain q/a catalog books, similar to ones found in the library, in each school or college; 87-18: PRESIDENTIAL CONFERENCE Resolved that: The S.C. pres or vp meet with Constituency Council Presidents or respective vps monthly or bimonthly to discuss and determine issues important to students; 87-48: SC REPRESENTATIVE ABSENCES Resolved that: SC representatives be removed after three absences, whether the absences were excused or unexcused; 89-24: STUDENT REPRESENTATION Resolved that: The University President be invited to make one sc meeting every three sessions; 90-04: CONFERENCE FOR APPROPRIATIONS Resolved that: All SC conference expenditures be approved by a two-thirds majority of SC; 90-09: RESOLUTION CATAGORIES Resolved that: Authors or sponsors of resolutions assign labels of "internal" or "external" to each resolution.