Number 17-30
Description UTA promote the use of free online textbooks to academic departments.
Authored by Roman Vasquez
Sponsored by Daniela Garcia
Nishant Bhaskar
Brandon Berens
Alexander Nervo
Cristian Villegas
Date Submitted Monday, October 16, 2017
Date Considered Wednesday, January 1, 1000
General Body Vote Thursday, January 1, 1970
Committee Academic Affairs
Result n/a
Remarks The Student Senate felt that this resolution should be implemented as other schools showcase OER much more effectively. With that being said, more professors at those universities tend to use more OER resources, saving students money.
Whereas Textbook costs have skyrocketed throughout the years, further raising the cost of higher education; and
Whereas Some students are unable to afford materials necessary for their classroom success, thus prompting them to either illegally download necessary materials, or chose to forego their textbook purchases, hurting themselves in the long run; and
Whereas Open Educational Resources provide an avenue to lowering textbook costs and providing more accessibility to students without negatively impacting quality of education; and
Whereas Open Educational Resources have been implemented in some departments across the University of Texas at Arlington, and the History Department alone has saved students hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Be It Further Resolved That The University of Texas at Arlington inform all academic departments of the value of Open Educational Resources, and implement where ever applicable.